Chapter 4: Escape From Neo-Demons Part 2

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Warning: Sudden Characters death, censored swearings, rascit words from the time period, and violences.

Just to let you all know is that this is my going to be the chapter where I take a break from the story for a bit because I'm going to work on another story for JuanDeleon198's OC in the Battle of Stalingard. Keep in mind I will only work on two stories at a time as doing too many stories would overwhelm me.
My best adivce is to finish the story you are working on before going on a new one.

This is where Slavparvez21's OC and his men appeared and joins C. Miller and Yananha Aki.

Please enjoy Chapter 4
Random Neo-Axis Location

1st Lietentuant George Walker of the 101st Airborne Division aka "The Screaming Eagles" with his squad of his six best men secured the area where the only Neo-Axis Teleportation machine was stationed in. They were waiting for the OSS agent for Operation Roman Downfall.

Operation Roman Downfall was the Office of Strategic Services' plans to destroy any secret Axis bases around Western Europe and the Pacific. They had received some information from their agents about some secret base of what they believe that the Axis were doing something to turn the war to their favor.

The OSS picked George Walker and his men as they were the best of the best they could count on.

This was true as George Walker and his squad took part in D-Day, Operation Market Garden, and the Battle of the Bulge. They knew each other well and were ready to finish this mission.

(George Walker's POV)

I waited for the OSS agent so we can set the charges and get the hell out of here. This is how it all got started, earlier I was expecting me and my men to head home to the United States when someone came us and asked if we would volunteer in a secret mission.

I assumed that he was meaning some Krauts who hadn't surrender so I accepted along with my men who wanted to fight one last time.
We were parachuted to the nearby secret Third Reich's base where we followed the Krauts into the base. We stayed quiet not wanting to attract the guards' attraction.

Evenutally we saw some werid looking machine thing. It looked like a bell, the ones that hang on the churches or schools. Also it looked like something out of science fiction as the machine was more technological advanced than anything my men and I ever seemed.

(Third POV)

Billy Roycewicz: "What the Jesus is that? What have the Nazis now develop?"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Billy Roycewicz: "What the Jesus is that? What have the Nazis now develop?"

Gary Astor: "Don't know Billy. Could be something."

George Walker: "Alright men, we should invesgate more what is behind that werid glowing hole thing. Stay quiet and don't make a sound."

George Walker's men nodded.

The Rise of the Neo-Axis (Neo-Axis V Multiverse Book 1) (Old)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin