Netflix and Chill

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Its been a couple days since the rain started and its been non stop, i may love the rain but i would love to be able to go see undertaker or Adrian as I've known him. we have been dating for about a year now and its been great, we have been moving at a great pace and we get the perfect balance of time together and time apart so we never tire of each others company but with the rain he hasn't been able to come over and hang out with me and its starting to get pretty lonely. i walk away from my window finally pulling myself out of my trance of watching the rain fall down the glass and pooling in the planter slowly killing my plants like it kills time. 

"i think i should message Adrian and see if he wants to come over while the rain has slowed down." i head over to my soft black couch and grab my phone while piling myself with pillows. i diel Adrian's number and listen to the ringer.

"hello dearie, how are you doing today?" i hear Adrian's lovely voice answer the phone.

"I've been good Adrian, its been kind of lonely. do you want to come over when the rain breaks soon?" i lean deeper into my pillow fort awaiting his answer.

"sure thing dearie, i just have a guest to finish up and then i will be right over." he sounds like i just cheered up his whole day by asking him to come over.

"ok i will see you then" i rise out of my pillow fort and begin to think of what we should do.

"ok love, see you then." he hangs up the phone.

"hum.. what should we do?" i remove the pillows and stand up dropping my phone onto the warm couch. "how about we watch some movies, i can make some pop corn too." i pick up my phone once more and message Adrian.

(y/n)- lets watch some movies!

(y/n)- so wear something cozy!

Adrian- ok love, ill see you soon.

throwing my phone onto the couch i make my way to the kitchen pulling out a couple bags of pop corn and place them into the microwave. "humm... i am feeling for some coca too! i place some water on the stove and begin to heat it up. i sit on the counter and wait for everything to finish letting the cold marble counters cool me off from the pillow fort. taking a deep breath i hear the popcorn start to pop, i can smell the melting butter already. i hear my front door open and shut.

"mmm, smells nice. are you making popcorn darling?" i hear Adrian make his way to the kitchen. he sees me sitting on the counter and makes his way over giving me a quick kiss before picking me up off the and swinging me around the room.

"i missed you so much Adrian." i spin around with him before hearing the microwave beep. "popcorn is ready!" i remove myself from the spin and go to the microwave pulling out the bag of buttery goodness.

"how could you miss me that much i work right down the street?" Adrian moves up behind me wrapping his long arms around me and burring his head into the crook of my neck. i lean back into his hug before popping a piece of popcorn into my mouth.

"i always miss you." i laugh before placing the rest of the popcorn into the big white bowel i had set aside. "what should we watch?" Adrian is dressed in a grey turtleneck and black sweats.

"hmm... how about a horror movie?" Adrian takes the bowl away from me snatching a few pieces off the top.

"sounds cool, but which one?" i take the bowel back and take it to the couch. "oh can you grab the coca its should be done right about now." i grab all the pillows and blankets making a fort once more with just enough room for us both.

"ok" he grabs the mugs and makes his way over handing me mine before making his way into the fort making sure to brush my ticklish spots on the way.

"Adrian! you are going to make me drop my coca!" i laugh as he tickles me more. he laughs and cozy's up next to me grabbing the popcorn once more.

"ah but love your laugh is so nice to listen too." tucking us up with pillows he sets his mug down and snacks on the popcorn waiting for me to pick a movie. 

"how about we watch it?" i scroll over to the movie showing him the trailer. the truth is he doesn't care about horror movies he figures them out too fast but he likes it when i get spooked and curl into his chest hiding from whatever scared me.

"sure." he shrugs his shoulder placing a piece of popcorn into his mouth. i curl into his arm while turning on the movie.

(time skip to the end of the movie)

i am curled up into Adrian's chest hiding from the clown. he laughs gently and places his arm around my back soothing me.

"there is no need to be afraid love its just a movie. "he continues rubbing my back.

"i know but it still scared me." i laugh backing up a little. the end credit's begin and i stand from the fort stretching out.

"how about we watch a less scary movie this time?" Adrian giggles slightly setting the empty popcorn bowel down on the table. 

"how about we watch big hero 6?" i scroll over to the movie showing him the preview once more.

"ok love, i will go make some more popcorn." he makes his way to the kitchen beginning the process of making a new batch of popcorn, he hums lightly while doing so.

"ok i will start the movie" covering myself with the blankets. i begin the movie. Adrian enters the room setting the bowel down and sitting down beside me. i lay my head down on his lap and look up at him. "i love you Adrian." i smile and look back to the movie.

"i love you to darling." he chuckles lightly before smoothing down my hair with his hand. we lapse into comfortable silence and watch the movie.

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