A day at the beach pt.2

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Me and Adrian lay in the sun warming ourselves after the shock of the cold water. 

"Sabastian! i order you to put me down this instant!" i hear the earl yelling at his butler, i look over and see Sabastian carrying ceil into the icy water before letting him drop into it. "Sabastian i thought i ordered you to put me down not throw me into this dammed water." ceil looks up at Sabastian looking absolutely pissed. 

"oh by my lord i did put you down when you asked." the butler smiled to himself before exiting the cold water followed by the angry midget known as his master. me and Adrian burst out laughing at the scene we just witnessed almost getting ourselves killed by the crashing waves that seem to be getting further and further up the beach.

"Adrian we better move or else the waves will crash upon us." i get up and begin to drag Adrian up the beach just out of the waves reach. he continues to laugh as i sit next to him once more, watching the sky i notice the sun i beginning to set. "its almost dark already? damn." i stand and move over to our beach bag and pull out our dinner/lunch. want your sandwich undertaker. i ask as he sits next to me on our towels.

"sure dear." he reaches out grabbing his sandwich and begins to eat. i look around and see grell pouting by a tree.

"grell? do you plan on spending the whole day pouting?" he looks over at me before going back to glaring at Sabastian. Ronald and will are reading, and Sabastian and the earl are relaxing and watching the waves. i lean my head to the side and rest it on Adrian's shoulder. humming lightly he lays his head on top of mine. i look over to the sky and see a firework being sent up.

"guys look the fireworks are starting!" i point over in the direction of the fireworks and watch for the bright colors. first comes a bright green firework reminding me of Adrian's eyes, then pink, then red, and so forth. they go late into the night, me and Adrian decide to stay and watch the whole thing but all the others go home. we lay on the sand watching the fireworks and enjoying each others company late into the night.

"i love you Adrian." i whisper as the next round of fireworks start.

"i love you too dearie." with that Adrian  wraps his arm under my neck letting me curl into his chest and watch the colors spill across the starry night sky.

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