when you want cuddles.

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i sit up from the couch looking for Adrian looking past the dusty book shelves and jars with an assortment of items in them i find him seated at his desk writing.

"whatcha doing love?" i turn sideways on the couch so my legs are on the back and my head is near the floor.

"just filling out more paperwork from will, just the usual." he sighs and pushes back his bangs taking a deep breath.

"sounds boring, would you like me to help you so you can get done faster?" i swing off the couch and stand letting the cool floor send shivers through my soft feet.

"its alright love i am almost done." he goes back to his work paying me no mind. i walk to him and place my arms around his neck and tucking my head into his shoulder watching him work.

"looks boring." i give a slight laugh and unwrap my arms grabbing a few sheets.

"you don't have to help love, didn't you just finish yours anyways?" he turns to me as i grab a pen and sit next to him on a chair filling out the work.

"its no problem, the faster you get done the faster we can cuddle." i state. he gives a slight laugh and turns back.

"so that's why you are helping. alright." he gets to work on his last few pages humming lightly. i zone out while doing the work becoming oblivious to the world around me as i finish the work, a giggle snaps me out as i feel a presence behind me tucked into my neck i turn and are met by a pair of familiar green eyes smiling at me.

"aw you looked so cute zoned out like that." placing a soft kiss to my cheek he grabs the finished papers returning them to the rest of the stack. he brushed some hair out of my face and moves to place a soft kiss to my lips. "so still want to cuddle?" i turns to me while standing. he exits the room heading for our shared room laughing slightly.

"of course i do." i stand and follow him to the room grabbing my (f/c) hoodie off the chair and make my way to the room. i place the hoodie over my shoulders and enter the room i enter to Adrian taking off his cloak and changing into more comfy clothes while humming. i blush a little and grab my fluffiest blanket placing it on me while i curl up into the perfect size coffin.

"he he falling asleep without me i see." i enters the coffin pulling me close to his chest while placing dozens of soft kisses on my head. "i love you (y/n)" he places a final kiss on my head and tucks himself up against me falling asleep quickly i am soon to follow.

"i love you too Adrian." with that i follow him into slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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