A day at the beach

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"come on Adrian we have to hurry otherwise all the good spots will be gone!" i grabbed my beach bag and raced out of the shop and getting into the carriage.

"i am coming love, but you should slow down you will end up hurting yourself." Adrian makes his way out of the shop making sure to lock the door behind him. he enters the carriage and lays his hat down on the seat and brushed his bangs to the side, looking over at me he asks. "so what do you want to do first when we arrive we will get there too early for anyone else to be there." i had completely forgotten that everyone else was coming too. William, Grell, Ronald, Sabastian, Ceil, and lady Elisabeth, along with their butlers were coming to join us at the beach. we all agreed to meet up and have a fun day on the sand before the fireworks around twelve am, yeah it was late but that was when it was darkest so the fireworks would be seen easier.

"i think we should get set up and save a spot for everyone, then we can go swimming while we wait." i look over at Adrian giving him a quick peck on the lips before looking out the carriage window admiring the midday sky its beautiful blue self shown with little to no clouds to be seen.

"sounds good to me love." Adrian unpins his hair and places his hat back onto his head. he was wearing a pair of black swim trunks and a white t-shirt and had his hair tied back into a nice ponytail leaving only his bangs out to cover his eyes. i on the other hand was wearing a black two piece swim suit with a floral lace around my waist like a skirt except it didn't cover anything it was just decoration.

"looks like we are almost there, i can smell the salt water already." i reach out and open the window more allowing more of the salty air to enter the carriage, its soft breeze blowing my hair back and into Adrian's face.

"hey!" Adrian moves the hair out of his face and grabs a ponytail holder. "sit down love and let my fix your hair." Adrian moves closer to me gathering up my hair and tying it back into a neat ponytail just like his.

"heh, sorry about that i guess i was in such a rush i forgot to tie my hair back." i laugh a little and look back out the window. "look Adrian! you can see the beach already." i point out the window showing him the ocean not to far from us.

"looks quite beautiful love." he moves next to me and looks out the window. we sit in comfortable silence watching the beach grow closer and closer with every passing minute. the carriage pulls to a stop letting us exit.

"i will grab the bag, do you mind holding our towels?" i hand the towels over to Adrian and grab the bag, it was holding out lunch and some extra sunscreen. along with a change of clothes for each of us.

"sure thing love, now lets go find a good spot." he moves and lets me exit the carriage paying the driver we begin to make our way to the beach watching the waves crash onto the sands soft surface.  

"i found a good spot, over there." i point to a small circle of trees allowing the perfect amount of shade for all of us to place our towels and belongings.

"lets go then before someone else try's to take it" he speeds up a bit racing me to the small group of trees. i remove my sandals and let the soft warm sand flow between my toes warming them instantly.

"the sand feels really nice today." i shake my feet burying myself deeper into its silky surface.

"wanna go swim or do you want to wait for some of the others to show up?" Adrian removes his sandals and stands next to me brushing some stray hairs out of my face.

"i don't think waiting will be necessary, it seems the rest of us showed up just in time." a familiar butler chimes in behind us. he was followed by the earl, lady Elisabeth, her maid, and the other reapers trailing behind them. 

"why hello everyone, what good timing you all have me and undertaker were about to go swimming while we waited for you all to show up." i gave a slight chuckle and set our bag down and rolled out our towels.

"i always have good timing." i hear will speak from the back while pulling Ronald behind him.

"but why do i have to go?" i hear Ronald complain.

"because this is your punishment for giving my overtime yesterday." will throws Ronald into the shade before setting up his chair. he sits and begins to read.

"well what shall we do first everyone?" i look around at the group already seeing grell attached to Sabastian's arm. 

"well you did say you were going to swim so why not do that first?" Sabastian chucks grell into the water and begins setting up his masters chair.

"how dare you chuck me into the water like i am some kind of rag doll!" grell storms out of the water and attempts to fix their hair while yelling at Sabastian.

"sounds fun, we will meet you guys in there." i turn and make my way to the strong waves testing the temperature of the water first. "damn that's really cold!" i yell and back away. before i could get far enough away i feel Adrian's arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. "Adrian you better not!" i warn trying to escape his grip.

"sorry love" he states before dropping me into the water, luckily for me i was able to grab his arm before falling and ended up dragging us both under the ice cold waves. we both surface laughing and gasping for air.

"what was that for?" i ask between laughs attempting to pull myself out of the water moving into the sunlight i look over to Adrian.

"you wouldn't have gotten in otherwise." he continues to laugh before removing himself from the water and moving next to me in the sunlight. "but you are right that was rather cold." he rings out his hair moving his bangs back in front of his eyes.

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