The first meeting.

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its been three weeks since my mother passed and i haven't been able to do anything, she was my best friend and the only person who was ever there for me when i needed her and now she is gone.

"i guess i cant put it off anymore." i rise from my bed throwing my pillows into the corner. i head to the door of my small apartment and grab my coat before exiting my safe space heading into the real world for the first time in a while. making my was to the carriage i sigh before entering and begin my journey to the undertakers shop to give my mom the funeral she disserves once and for all.

(at the undertakers shop.) i exit the carriage and make my way to the door, i see a couple coffins littered under a purple undertakers sign. the old shop looks abandoned. i enter the shop and smell the candles scattered around the shop, there are bookshelves littering the walls with an uneven numbers of coffins scattered around the floor. the floors creak as i walk in. looking around i cant see the undertaker anywhere.

"hello! is anyone here?" i walk into the middle of the shop and wait.

"eh, eh, eh, why hello dearie what can i do for you today?" i hear a coffin creak open from behind me and i can feel the hairs on my neck stand up on end.

"hello, would you be the undertaker?" i jump a little before turning around and noticing the strange silver haired man standing right outside a coffin. 

"that would be correct dearie. now do ye need to be fitted for one of my fabulous coffins?" he gestures to some of the coffins before looking over to me. 

"ah no thank you, i am here to get a funerial planned for my mother. she has already been burred but it was so rushed that i didn't have time to give her the funerial she always wanted." i look down to my shoes reliving the memory's that i shared with her. i feel tears start to slide down my cheeks and fall to the cold hard floor. 

"now dearie no need to cry." i feel a soft hand brush my shoulder and give it a reassuring squeeze. i brush off the tears and look up. 

"oh my apologies i just miss her that's all." i take a deep breath and look to the undertaker he is still holding my shoulder. "thank you, you don't know how much i needed it." i give him a small smile and sit on one of the coffins. "i was hoping that you would be able to assist me in planning a funerial for my mother." i brush off my pants and look over to the undertaker.

"i can do that for ye dearie, would you like me to do it or would ye like to help." he sits himself upon a coffins opposing me and lays his hands on his lap.

"if its ok with you i would like to help." i look down to my hands and smile, thinking about the things my mother would like.

"that sounds fun dearie. when would you like to start planning?" reaching over to one of the shelves he pulls out a jar of what looks to be dog biscuits. offering one to me i gladly accept. they taste like sugar cookies but different. 

"these are amazing you will have to tell me the recipe some time." i finish the cookie and look to the undertaker. "and yes i would like to help, my mother would be rolling in her grave if i had someone else do all the work." i give a slight laugh. "how much would it be to plan the funeral?" finishing my thought i stand and brush off my pants of any crumbs. 

"ah dearie, i have no need for the queens coin. i just want the gift of true laughter." the silver haired man begins to laugh at his own statement.

"a joke?" i turn to the man whilst grabbing another cookie.

"yes dearie a joke." still giggling the man looks to me "do ye know any?" he sits patently and watches me.

"i might, give me a second to think." i begin to think trying to remember a good joke.

"take all the time you need dearie." the man eats another biscuit while watching my movements.

"ok here it goes, knock knock." i wait for him to respond only to be met with loud thunder like laughter. "what are you laughing about i haven't done anything yet?" i look to the man who is now on the floor laughing. 

"that was a good one dearie, so be it shall you come in tomorrow and we can begin to plan." he lifts himself up using one of the nearby coffins for balance. 

"ok? i shall see you tomorrow then." i exit the shop and make my way home, thinking of the undertaker the whole way. 

"for some reason i cant get him off my mind. i wonder why" i rap my coat tighter around me and watch the sky.

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