Little Undertaker

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this is my version of a story written by  -arichan- i will link their version at the end. yes i have permission to use their story and am not planning on ever stealing anyone's work!

being the undertakers wife came with a few weird perks being you are a little insane as well and like to help him with his many experiments. when every you would have free time you would mix random chemicals figuring out what happens and what the mixture would do.

(first person pov now)

i mixed chemicals in the spare room combining the random items i found in the basement with Adrian's funerial supplies. laughing a little i mix more together before a puff of green smoke hits me in the face making me set the glass down and wipe my glasses off. i pick up the green liquid i twirl it a little in the glass and exit the room moving to show my husband the new creation of the hour. i exit and walk down the dark hallway twirling the mixture in my hands mixing it a little more and forgetting to watch where i am going i hear a few footsteps and begin to talk.

"love would you like to take a look at my new mixture-" i bump into something sending the mixture onto the person.

"dear may i ask what that was?" he begins to wipe off the concoction and looking at me.

"umm... you might want to go change i don't really know what that does." i look up to him showing him my slightly worried look.

"ok then..." he walks past me and enters our room to change. i walk back and into the kitchen throwing away the glass container. a sudden crash interrupts my cleaning and i rush to investigate.

"Adrian are you ok?" i open the door to see a pile of clothes and a small moving lump. "Adrian?" i reach for the clothes wondering what is moving. lifting the shirt i find a small silver haired baby laying on the ground curled in his cloak. 

"gah!" the child looks to me and reaches out requesting me.

"ummm... Adrian?" the baby looks to me and plays with my hair. "so that's what that did.... i have no idea how to take care of a child.... maybe Sabastian can help he claims to know everything." i grab a small blanket and wrap Adrian up and exit the shop locking it on my way out and calling a carriage. "to the phantomhive manor please and fast." i seat myself and the carriage takes off.

(at the manor.) 

i knock on the door and wait holding undertakers hand while he sleeps wrapped in the soft blanket.

"hello how may i help you-" Sabastian opens the door and looks to my arms noticing the baby. "(y/n) may i ask when you had a child? if i remember correctly we came to the shop yesterday and there was no sign of one." the butler moves out of the way allowing me to enter.

"i was messing with chemicals per usual and went to show undertaker and i spilled it on him and this happened." i sigh and walk in. "and i have no idea of how to take care of a child and came to see if you or any of your fellow butlers knew how to." bouncing Adrian up and down to keep him asleep i follow the butler.

"while i have no idea i believe mey rin might be able to help i will show you to a spare room and send her there." he rubs his temples and shows me the way to my spare room. 

"thank you Sabastian" i walk in and set Adrian on the bed surrounding him with the pillows.

"i will fetch mey rin soon so please make yourself at home." he walks out of the room closing the door behind him.

(a little while later) 

i am laying on the bed holding my travel book and reading. Adrian sleeps next to me curled into the blanket.


"my lady may i enter?" mey rin sounds from the other side.

"yes mey rin, i told you to just call me (y/n) this whole my lady thing is weird." i allow her to enter and set down my book and picking up Adrian.

"when did you have a child (y/n)? she pulls in a cart holding dinner for me and some milk for Adrian.

"i didn't, i was messing with chemicals and spilled some on undertaker and this happened." i nod down to the child and he wakes slowly and laughs a little grabbing on my hair once more.

" i can see the resemblance." she hands me the bottle and walks to the cart and moves my dinner on to the bed. "after the bottle he should be fine until morning. Sabastian had me bring dinner for you and asked me to set you up for the night for it is too late to travel back to your shop." she moves the cart and begins to exit the room.

"thank you mey rin. i will see you tomorrow." Adrian finishes his bottle and lets out a big yawn. "tired aren't we?" i rock him gently and move him back to his pile of pillows. 

"i am going to take a shower please stay here" i stand and make my way to the bathroom and enjoy a shower. "all done." i exit the bathroom holding a towel around my waist and looking to Adrian. he swings around his pile getting alarmingly close to the edge. 

"don't!" i rush forward catching him in the nick of time. "still as reckless aren't we?" he laughs as i set him back in the pillows. he laughs himself back to sleep and i dress and lay next to him drifting into a calming sleep. i wake to subtle light hitting my face and squint trying to adjust to the light. something moves over the light shielding my eyes from it.

"huh?" i open my eyes and fall out of bed. "Adrian!" i lay back laughing as my husband sits confused on the bed slightly naked in a small pile of blankets.

"love may i ask why i am naked?" he gives a slight laugh to my reaction and stands grabbing my cloak and covering himself.

"i will explain when we get back to the shop." i stand and place a soft kiss on his lips and grabbing the small blanket. 

"good morning (y/n) how is undertake-"Sabastian opens the door and looks to us. "i am guessing he is ok now... shall i fetch a pair of clothes for him so you can get back to the shop?" he closes the door and asks from the other side.

"yes please Sabastian." i laugh at his reaction and lay back on the bed. "good to have you back love." 

"ok i will get that i will be right back." Sabastian's voice disappears down the hall causing me and undertaker to burst out laughing.

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