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this is partially based off one of the one shots made by my friend -arichan- but i changed some things the main story is still the same though.

i walked down the street moving around others as they inspected the many booths that had a wide variety of items for sale. some had delicious looking food for sale some had games and some had accessory's that you could wear during the festival. the undertaker followed close behind leading the others grell, william, ronald, and the earl with his butlers close. 

"come on guys we need to get a good spot!" i rush forward reaching the field where guests could set up a spot to watch the fireworks soon to come.

"(y/n) please slow down Sabastian already has a spot prepared." the earl yells from the back pleading for me to slow my pace and enjoy the festivity's.

"ok!" i yell to the back over all the noise of music and chatter as people wait for the show to begin. "hey undertaker, i want to go get some snacks do you want to come." i ask the silver haired man as he follows close behind me looking at all the goodies.

"sure dearie." he walks closer to me and waits.

"hey guys does anyone want any snacks? me and undertaker are going to grab some while you go to our spot!" i yell to the guys in the back and wait for a responce.

"i will take a cotton candy!" the redhead walks forward telling me their snack choice.

"ok grell. anyone else!" i wait.

"no i think that is it. thank you (y/n)" the butler walks forward with the earl by his side showing the others to the spot. "our spot is right under that old oak" he points off in the distance at an old oak tree.

"ok be back in a few! lets go undertaker!" i unconsciously grab his hand and lead the way. we stop outside a sweets booth and i look around at the wide assortment of goodies. i don't realize i am holding his hand and feel something warm wrap around my hand i look down and see undertaker squeeze my hand lightly. a slight blush spreads across my cheeks and i look back to the treats.

"what are ya thinking dearie?" he motions to the treats.

"i think i will get a candy apple. would you like anything?" i look to him blush still on my cheeks.

"no i don't think so. thank you though." still holding my hands he looks to the man running the booth. "can we get one candy apple and one cotton candy please?" he reaches into his cloak pocket pulling out a few coins.

"oh undertaker you don't have to pay it was my idea." i try to stop him but he looks to me.

"its my treat love." handing the coins to the shop owner the blush on my cheeks grow brighter.

"love i like the sound of that.." i whisper to my self.

"what was that?" looking to me he hands me the apple and holds the cotton candy keeping our hands intertwined.

"nothing lets go we don't want to miss the show." i tug his hand slightly and begin to walk to our destination. 

(at the tree)

"huh they aren't here.. did Sabastian tell us the wrong place?" i look down and there is a blanked and picnic basket on top. there is a small note on the basket.

my apologies (y/n) the young lord requested a new seat for the show so i took the group somewhere new please enjoy this spot with the undertaker it does have a nice view of the show after all.

signed Sabastian 

"i guess they found a new spot. he says me and you can stay at this one for the show." i sit on the blanket and pat the spot next to me. "come sit the show should be beginning soon" i munch on my candy apple enjoying the sweet sugar coating the bitter apple.

"ok love." he sits on the blanket next to me.

"this is a really good apple i might have to grab another on the way home." i smile and take another smaller bite.

"may i try love?" looking to me undertaker waits.

"sure" i hold the sweet out to him. shaking my hand lightly he reaches up holding my chin lightly before i can react he captures my lips holding me in an ironically sweet loving kiss. his hand moves up holding my cheek and slides his tongue across my bottom lip asking entrance. i allow and his tongue explores my mouth tasting the sweet. he pulls back and licks his lips. 

"your right love it is a rather good sweet." he chuckles slightly as i sit there stunned. i burst out laughing and curl over trying to catch my breath.

"your lucky i love you undertaker." i laugh some more and lay down placing my head on his lap and watching the sky. the first firework shoots up lighting up the sky with its bright colors. undertaker runs his nails through my soft hair and watches the show. 

"i love you too." we elapse into comfortable silence letting the show go on.

Undertaker X reader one-shots!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz