On your period

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its been a long day helping Adrian around the shop, we had back to back costumers and guests to prepare it didn't help that the earl decided to come by and insist on gaining some information on their newest case. i finally take a breath after finishing the final guest and make my way to the bathroom to clean my self up. i feel a sharp pain in my abdomen and sit down on the toilet thinking i just have to poo. how wrong i was as soon as i sit i notice a small stain in my underwear no bigger than a quarter but enough to bleed through.

"shit. Adrian dear can you grab me a pad from the hall closet!" i yell out the door trying to avoid staining my pants more.

"right away dearie, is everything ok?" i hear him walk down the hallway passing the door before coming to a stop by the closet. he fishes around for a minute before coming to the bathroom and nocking. "may i come in love?" he nocks once more.

"ah yes, thank you Adrian." i am sitting over on the toilet waiting. "i just started my period and forgot to re-fill my stash of supplies in here." i take the pads from him and return to the toilet. he makes a small "oh" sound before closing the door and walking away. i finish my business and exit the bathroom wanting to change into something more comfortable. i enter our shared room only to find Adrian laying on the bed reading a book with a heat pack and some tea by his side and some pain killers on the desk.

"what's all this for?" i make my way to my dresser and pull out some fluffy sweats and a tank top.

"ah well i read that when women are on ye period you get these cramps and only heat will help, so i got a pack heated up and made some tea while i was at it." i looks over at the desk. "oh and those are for it the heat pack doesn't work." he gives a slight chuckle before going back to his book.

"why thank you very much Adrian, it is much appreciated." i give him a laugh before changing and crawling into bed next to him and picking up my book. i lay the heat pack across my stomach and take a sip of my tea before laying my head on his warm shoulder and reading my book.

"i love ye love." Adrian leans over placing a soft kiss on my head.

"i love you too Adrian." i lean up and place my lips on his giving a fast but loving kiss. we both spend the rest of the night reading and enjoying each others company before i end up falling asleep on his lap.

"sleep tight love." he whispers before brushing the hair out of my face watching me fall asleep.

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