Chapter 2: Fourth year

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"Humph! Where were you guys?" It was Arabella, and behind her was Sirius, and both had on a worried expression.

"We thought you guys had missed the train or something!" she exclaimed wildly. "Thanks for worrying us so much."

"Where's Violet and Peter?" asked Lily immediately, suddenly remembering her other two friends.

"They're in our compartment right now. Honestly, Lily, at least you should've had enough sense to look for us! Where we all of you? Jen, I told you not to go gallivanting off to find your beloved Remus. Well, now that you guys found each other, why didn't you go and find us? We weren't so important, huh? Huh?"

"Bella, stop hyperventilating," said Sirius good-humouredly. "Now that we found them, let's all go back to our compartment. Those four were probably out having a double-snog date or something."

"I wouldn't be talking, Sirius," snapped James, as they all headed off to the compartment. "You and Bella were probably off doing the same thing. Poor Violet and Peter."

"Well, they were getting pretty passionate too, you know," argued Sirius, while the rest laughed. "What?"

"Violet's too sensible and Peter's too shy to get involved in something like snogging," said Lily, grinning.

"Yeah? Well, they were holding hands!"

"How passionate," said Jennifer dryly, while Arabella sniggered.

"Actually, they weren't very passionate, but they still sort of like each other. I heard that Dumbledore's hosting a ball next year!"

"How exciting," said Lily sarcastically. "We get to wear pretty dress robes and be all caked with makeup! I'm so excited!"

"Aww...Lils, just go with James if Snape asks you," said Jennifer, grinning.


"Oh, come on Lils, it's not like James will have a date by then, anyway. Besides, it's next year, what are you fretting about?"

"Hey!" cried James. "I can too get a date!"

"You turn girls down when they ask you to a date to Hogsmeade," said Arabella coolly. "I suppose that's your proof that you can get a date. You turn down everyone, for heaven's sake! When can you not turn down a girl and just take her?"

"Fine," huffed James. "I'll say 'yes' to the first girl who asks me to a date, whether she's pretty or ugly or whatever."

"If you lose, you owe me a Galleon."

"Since when did we make this a bet?"

"Since now."

"Can we change the topic?" asked Lily loudly.

"If you're getting bored, Lily, you can always join us," said a silky voice from behind. It was Snape and the rest of his gang, and they were grinning down at the six evilly.

"Get away from us, Snape!" snapped Lily. "Don't think I didn't forget out little incident this summer..."

"Oh, but why should you care, Lily? After all, it was only a threat to Potter, not you."

"They don't hate each other anymore, Snape, so of course Lily should care," said Sirius quickly. He wanted to see the priceless look on Snape's face.

"Y-you guys are friends?" he mumbled.

Lily shrugged. "Not necessarily friends, but on speaking terms."

"What's the difference?"

"We don't help each other out like friends would. Or actually like each other as friends do, for the matter. We're just civil to each other, then."

James and Lily potter: Fourth YearWhere stories live. Discover now