Chapter 5: fourth year

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He poked his best friend gently. "Sirius? You all right?"

Sirius shook his head. "I'm fine."

"You know, we have to work on our potion."

His eyes were disinterested. "Right. We have most of it done, right? We can finish by next year and have our forms ready."

"Aren't you excited? I mean, not everyone can turn into an animal at will, you know." James was desperate to get his friend into his energetic form again.

"Mmm. But how will we know it'll work?"

The black-haired boy decided to end the conversation, since he wasn't used to Sirius being so pessimistic and gloomy. He leaned forward to Arabella and whispered, "Can I talk to you?"

Bella's eyes flew up in surprise. "Why, why would such a popular boy talk to little old me?"

James raised his eyebrows. "Pardon?"

She shook her head. "I never did know that a Marauder would be so polite."

"Bella, are you all right?"

"She's in denial," hissed Lily, grabbing James.

"Is she mad? She doesn't even know me!" James was indignant at not being known, especially by one of his closest friends.

"I told you, she's in denial. She's furious at Sirius, so she's ignoring the whole lot of you. Bella's pretending that she doesn't know you guys at all, except for the fact that you four are the most popular boys in the school."

"That's stupid," said James, looking rather put-off. "I mean, I haven't done a thing."

"Don't worry, she'll get over it, if that's what you're worrying about," assured Lily confidently. "People like her always do."

"Mmm-hmm...right. You know, I'm really worried about those two. They're not acting normal."

"James." Lily sighed. "I told you not to worry. Now, let's all enjoy ourselves, shall we?"

"Hey, Lils?"


"Will you go with me?"


"To the dance?"

"What dance?"

"The dance."

Lily sighed with frustration. "What dance?"

"Hello? Earth to Lily, little Miss Perfect? You know, the Halloween Ball coming up.

"Er—right. What did you want again?"

"Will you go with me?"

Lily thought for a moment, then smiled wickedly. "Sure. Then we'll really surprise everyone."

James laughed. "Oh, you'll have no idea."

Remus leaned over and whispered to his friend, "What's so funny?"

"Huh? Oh, me and Lily are going to the ball together."

"It's Lily and I are going to the ball together. And are you? Oh, wait 'till the whole school sees you to arm-to-arm! McGonagall will faint!"

"That'll be the laughingstock, won't it? And, oh"—James grinned—"what about Sirius and Arabella? They have to get together."

The tired boy smiled back at his friend. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Old-fashioned closet trick?"


The two boys grinned mischievously and told their plan to the girls."

"James...geroff!" Lily breathed hard. "Get off!"

"Whoops, sorry Lils." James climbed off the redhead delicately. "You know, you look beautiful."

She smiled and blushed. "You look great, too. But I know you don't mean it when you said that I look beautiful."

James brushed back a lock of her curling red hair. "You're the most beautiful girl in this Great Hall right now, Lily."

Remus gave a hacking cough and James jumped back, flushing. "Perhaps you can get on with the plan, James."

"Oh—er—right." James fumbled with Sirius and Arabella's wands and handed them to Lily.

"Lily and James Potter!" Arabella shrieked from the nearby closet, causing several couples who were wandering around the deserted corridors to jump. "Get me out of here!"

"James, what do you think you're playing at?" shouted Sirius. "Sarah's waiting for me back in the Great Hall! She'll dump me if I'm found here!"

"So let her!" exclaimed James. "You don't like her. You like Bella, and you two have to make up tonight, or we won't let you out."

"Lily?" croaked Bella. "You don't mean that?"

"Oh yes, we do, Bells. Now, do you really like Amos? If you do, you have to say it in front of my face right now."

There was a silence, and Lily smiled in satisfaction. In fact, she was so engrossed in the whole plan that she hadn't noticed James staring at her the whole time. Her red hair was curled into beautiful ringlets, while she wore robes of a deep green that brought out the brightness and beauty of her startling green eyes. Her blood red lips were curved into a smile, and her eyes sparkled like emeralds. James quickly caught his breath at the sight of her.

James didn't look half-bad either. His untidy black hair was still where it was, since he had trouble managing it with every single hair gel and charm he could think of to make it neat. He was wearing robes of navy blue, while his sleeves were rolled up, revealing muscles that made most of the female population swoon and glare at Lily jealously as the couple had headed down to the Great Hall.

James and Lily potter: Fourth YearWhere stories live. Discover now