Chapter 12:fourth year

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"Stupid McGonagall," mumbled James, as he glared at the growing pile of homework at his table in the common room, "she could have spared us some."

Sirius looked gloomily as his even larger pile of homework. "Reckon we shouldn't have pulled that prank on Snivellus, James?"

"Nah. The look on his face was worth this homework."

Lily, however, had barely a parchment of homework on her desk, as she finished off her last assignment, which was an essay on goblin rebellions for the History of Magic.

"Look at Evans," said James, his eyes shifting to Lily. "She has no homework to do at all. How does she do it?"

"She doesn't procrastinate like you two," came Remus' amused voice as he seated himself near his two friends.

"Huh! Well, at least we have a life, unlike her," said James heatedly, his hand ruffling up his hair again as he looked over at Lily admiringly.

Sirius snorted. "Just ask her out."

"I have. Guess what she said?"

"You're an arrogant git and she'd never go out with you."

"Well, similar idea, but here's the direct quote: 'Potter, I'd rather go out with the giant squid than with you'."

Sirius laughed. "Spunky lass."

"You're friends with her, Sirius. What does she say about me?"

His best friend peered at him earnestly. "Well, James, she really doesn't mention you at all. She says that she can't work out her feelings for you. Sometimes you act like a sensitive and shy sort of guy, and then you act like a complete idiot and jerk."

"Thanks a lot," James muttered under his breath.

"Enough of that, mate," said Sirius, waving it dismissively. "Now, about our potion..."

"I'm definitely a stag," said James quickly.

"Well, obviously, since we all know our forms from the prophecy, but...well, Dumbledore heard the prophecy, didn't he? Then he'd know why we know what we are..."

"Dumbledore doesn't understand the prophecy," said James stubbornly, "so it doesn't matter to him."

"What if the potion doesn't work?" asked Remus quietly. "It'll all be my fault if you three turn into mutants or something..."

Sirius snorted. "Remie, stop worrying. You worry as much as Lily and James Potter," he added slyly, grinning at his best friend.

"Shouldn't you two be doing homework?" came a bossy voice. Lily was hovering above them, frowning.

James jumped in alarm. "Gods, Evans, you could've warned me!"

Lily smirked. "Why...were you discussing something secret?"

"Er—of course not."

"Right. Anyway, I see that you still have quite a pile of homework." Her eyes went over the stacked textbooks and parchments.

"'Tis none of your business."

"Maybe I can help."

"What is this? Now you're being nice! You know, I think this is a joke that you're trying to plan..."

"Potter, I don't plan jokes. I've decided to take pity on you and help you out. Mind you, I won't do this often, so don't take advantage of the opportunity."

"Evans, I don't need your help on my homework; I can do it perfectly well, thank you."

"Really? Well, that's wonderful! Now I don't have to waste my good time teaching you bumbling idiots how to write good essays so you can get ten out of ten..."

"Wait," said James suddenly, attracted by the prospect of getting ten out of ten by simply having Lily do the work. "Maybe I'll consider your deal."

"Ha! Deal's off until next year, Potter." Lily cackled.

"What? Why next year?"

"Because that's when we take our O.W.L.S., and when you're likely to fail your career if you don't get enough of them. That's when I take pity on you."

James glared at her. "I can get all the O.W.L.S. possible, Evans, and get an 'Outstanding' for all of them, too."

"Really? Five Galleons that you can't get an 'Outstanding' on your O.W.L.S."


Lily grinned. "Consider yourself lost, Potter."

"As if, Evans."

Lily went off, now deep in thought. She knew very well that she would lose the bet, since James was an outstanding student who had the potential to do anything he liked for his career. She had gotten a spurt of pity and kindness when she saw James and Sirius complaining about their pile of homework, but caught herself just in time when James asked Lily about the deal.

James was having similar thoughts. He really liked Lily, though he wouldn't admit it for his life, but he didn't understand why he felt disappointed when he asked Lily out for a joke. He felt as if his heart was broken when he was "rejected" by her. He shook his head and sighed. He was going mad! Here he was, a brilliant student liked by most of the teachers, excellent at Quidditch, and had the most beautiful girlfriend a boy could ever dream of. What could he possibly be depressed about?

But for some reason, he was always off in his little world, not paying attention to what Sirius or Remus would say. James would find himself showing off like a prat whenever Lily was around, and not even meaning to. What was wrong with him?

"James? Hello...JAMES!"

"What?" James snapped out of his reverie, only to find Sirius goggling at him.

"You were spacing out, man. Why do you always do that these days?"

"Oh...just thinking about the next person I'm about to hex," said James quickly.

Remus frowned. "You mean you hex more than the Slytherins?"

"Well...naturally, since some people at Hogwarts bother me so much just by existing."

Sirius and Peter snickered, while Remus remained silent.

"Well, the Hufflepuffs are a bit pathetic, but the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors are friendly enough."

"Remus? Hello? We're trying to live up to our reputation at Hogwarts as mischief-makers and pranksters. The people want this."

James felt guilty as he continued saying this. Sirius and Peter kept laughing at his ideas, but he felt like what Remus felt: like he was going way over his head to impress people. He had nicked a Snitch from the lockers, and played with it, feeling proud whenever Peter or some passers-by gasped at his reflexes. But most of all, he felt as though he was making Lily hate him by the second. All he ever wanted was attention and maybe some admiration from Lily, but by the looks of things, he doubted he would ever get either.

James and Lily potter: Fourth YearWhere stories live. Discover now