Chapter 22: fourth year

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At this comment, both Narcissa and Bellatrix shot nasty looks at their sister's directions. None of the Blacks really liked Andromeda, because for one thing, she was a Gryffindor, and for another, she didn't despise Muggle-borns and was just like "that Sirius".

"Ooh, Narci and Trix are shooting daggers at you, Mede," acknowledged Sirius. He carefully avoided calling Bellatrix "Bella", as most people did, since he didn't want to offend Arabella.

"Oh, well. They're just jealous that I have Ted and they don't have anyone but lousy Slytherin bums." Mede continued to bunch on a piece of toast, oblivious to the incredulous stares she was getting.

"You do know that Narci and Trix hate you, right?" asked Sirius tentatively.

"Of course, it's so obvious. I know they're not jealous of Ted, either," she added, seeing Sirius' dubious expression. "They think that he's lousy because he's Muggle-born. What a bunch of crap!"

"Yeah, well, breakfast is over, and we have to get to classes," said Frank hastily. "We'll see you around guys."

"Don't forget to tell Dumbledore about Voldemort," added Alice.

James nodded, sighing. Why does everything happen to me?

"Yes, James, I'm very glad that you've chosen to speak to me," said Dumbledore gravely. "Voldemort will gain power, and he will try to gain your support. But whatever choices you make, Mr. Potter, I hope that you can make the right ones."

James nodded and looked at Lily, who was next to him.

"Sir," she began, rather nervously, "would you think that, perhaps, Voldemort was the one who killed James and I?" She wrung her hands.

Dumbledore looked thoughtful. "It could be a good possibility, but one does not know for sure. You may go now."

Lily and James left, not hearing Dumbledore groan and say, "Dear God, I think they've figured it out."

"Dumbledore thinks that Voldemort is the one who killed us," said James at once, heading toward Gryffindor Tower.

"He did say that," pointed out Lily.

"I know, but it was obvious, by the way of his voice, that he knew it, too."

"Have we actually had a normal conversation?" mused Lily in mock surprise.

James pretended to gasp. "Oh my God, I think we just did!" He said in a high-pitched, falsetto voice.

"What are you laughing about?"

They both turned around to see Wood and Cassia clinging to each other, smiling amusedly at the supposed enemies being decent to each other.

"Oh, hello, Wood," said James in an offhand voice.

"I see you and Cassia have been keeping each other company," said Lily suggestively.

Wood turned bright red. "We were just—er—strolling."

"Yeah, just walking and talking by the lake," said Cassia with warm cheeks, as she winked at Lily.

"When's the big day?" teased James.

"Next August," said Wood sarcastically.

"Oh! Two months after you graduate from Hogwarts, eh?"

"You got that right, Potter."

"I thought you didn't like James," said Cassia to Lily in surprise.

Lily shrugged. "I don't like him. I hate him."

James and Lily potter: Fourth YearWhere stories live. Discover now