Chapter 19: fourth year

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"So, Lily," started James, hoping it was a casual voice. "What are you going to do for the summer?"

Lily reflected for a moment. "Why, I really have no idea..."

"You can come to my house over the summer," he said quickly.

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh, can I? Even though we hate each other?"

James' eyes were pleading. "Oh, please, Lily? Besides, my mum already sent me a letter asking if my friends and your friends could come over the summer again."

"Oh, really? And when was this?"

"A couple of weeks ago. I think Quaffle planned it, because he went away one night, and didn't come back for three days, returning me with my mum's letter."

"Quaffle?" Lily snorted. "You named an owl Quaffle?"

"Hey! I am a Chaser, after all!" James was indignant.

"Quidditch obsessed," she muttered.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing."

"If you think I'm weird," he continued, sniffing, "then you should know that Sirius named his owl Bludger."

Lily laughed. "Oh, God, boys and Quidditch. Very incurable indeed."

"Quidditch is life," said James solemnly.

"Are you serious?"

"Nah, he is." He pointed to a dark-haired boy scribbling furiously on a piece of parchment.

She rolled her eyes. "How tacky."

"Did you do something to Snape today?" asked Arabella suddenly.

James grinned at her sheepishly. "Why, my dear Figgy, why would I ever do such a thing to Severus?"

Lily could see his jaw twitch slightly.

"Oh, please," said Arabella, snorting. "I just saw him on the grounds with purple hair, an even larger and more crooked nose, and feet the size of trolls." She raised one eyebrow curiously.

"He had to be punished," mumbled Sirius from the table.

"What?" Arabella looked around at him.

"Yeah. He started to insult my family."

"But I thought you didn't like your—"

"I don't like my family—despise them, in fact. But they're my family all the same, you know? And besides, he was directing most of his insults at Andromeda, who's my favourite cousin."

Lily vaguely remembered Sirius introducing them to a tall girl with thick black hair, warm brown eyes, and a Gryffindor Prefect badge on her chest last year. She had been very kind and funny, and Lily had liked her. Andromeda was in her seventh and final year at Hogwarts this year, and as Sirius noted with a tone of fright and pride all at once, that she was Head Girl.

"An's nice," piped up Violet. "She's a really good Head Girl too, organising the special events and everything..."

"Yeah," said Sirius briefly. "Nita needs to lighten up a bit, though. No wonder Ted thinks she's a bit stiff."

"Nita?" Remus looked up questioningly and reluctantly from his essay.

"Oh, pet name," he returned vaguely.

Lily smiled. "So...has James told you about his summer plans?"

"What summer plans?" they all asked.

She gave an accusing look at James, who shrugged.

"Hey, you were the first one I told."

"Oh, really? I'm so flattered."

"Well?" asked Sirius impatiently. "Go on then, James, tell us!"

"Mum's invited you all over my house for the summer," said James. "So, she told me to ask all of you and get an answer as soon as possible."

"Well, of course we're going!" cried Jennifer, who was silent the whole time.

"My mums also invited you all over, too, this summer," said Violet shyly. "So, James, maybe we can do half and half."

"Cool!" exclaimed James enthusiastically. "I'd love to meet your parents."

"Thanks..." Violet blushed in embarrassment.

"Sounds like a great plan to me," approved Arabella. "Vi, James, go tell your parents that we'll be happy to come over, and thank them, too."

Just when things were actually getting friendly between Lily and James, and Arabella and Sirius, a loud voice roared through the common room, startling everyone.

"Potter! Black! Where are you? Quidditch practice right now!" It was Wood's sharp voice, as he scanned the room quickly with his voice.

Sirius groaned and James sighed.

"Oh, come on, Wood, give us a break, will you?" pleaded the former. "I mean, poor Georgie"—he jerked his thumb toward the Seeker—"nearly broke his neck last practice."

"That's because you sent a Bludger at him, Black," snapped Wood. "What about you, Potter? Any complaints to make like your friend?"

"Oh no, Captain," said James, smiling sweetly. "Why would I ever? I absolutely adore Quidditch practice! I mean, I practically live off Quidditch."

"Good, good." Wood was very pleased, beaming at his Chaser. He nodded to Lily and said, "Evans."

"Wood," acknowledged Lily.

"Good advice you gave Potter there, Evans. Now he's learning real teamwork."

From the background, James turned crimson and quickly left Gryffindor Tower with his broom to the Quidditch field.

"You're—welcome," said Lily, confused.

"Yes. Well, anyway...where's Potter? Poor boy must've already gone to the field. Yes, I like spirit." Wood gave a maniacal smile and left, dragging a resisting Sirius behind him.

"That was—interesting," commented Remus, as they left.

"Poor guys," said Peter with sympathy. "Once I ran into Wood, and he wasn't—er—having the greatest day."

Everyone flinched at what must have happened, as apparently, Peter did not want to talk about it just yet, still twitching at the memory.

"Wood's always been a bit in love with Quidditch," said Remus apologetically. "Don't know's been in his blood, though. His dad nearly had my mum's head when they were in school because she missed the practice before the final game...she played Chaser," he added.

"Anyway, back to summer plans..." said Arabella hastily.

"We can't," Jennifer pointed out. "James isn't here."

"Oh, right."

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" said Lily excitedly.

Everyone groaned, and Jennifer said, "But, Lily, then we can't do any good ones since James and Sirius aren't here. We could always dare you or Arabella to kiss James and Sirius, respectively."

Both girls that were mentioned made a face at their friend, while Violet stifled a giggle.

"How about chess?" suggested Remus.

"Remus, you always want to play chess," said Arabella, rolling her eyes.

"That's because he always wins," added Jennifer reproachfully.

"I say we watch the Quidditch practice," said Lily, tired of watching her friends argue.

Peter's face brightened; he obviously didn't want to hear arguments any longer, either.

So, they all filed out into the empty stands and observed the Gryffindor Quidditch Team play. Wood, seeing his very own House members watching them with eager eyes, worked and pushed his team even harder than before, wanting to impress his fellow Gryffindors with their training so far.

James and Lily potter: Fourth YearWhere stories live. Discover now