Chapter 13:fourth year

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"Very good, Ms. Evans!" cried Professor McGonagall in praise, as her best student performed a tricky transfiguration by turning her own table into a barking dog. "Twenty points to Gryffindor for such an outstanding transfiguration!"

James groaned. McGonagall was always favouring Lily for one thing or another and he was tired of it. But unfortunately, she had heard him groan, for she glared at him sharply.

"Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mr. Potter?" she barked. "Perhaps you think Ms. Evans isn't as advanced as yourself. Let us see what you can do."

James picked up his wand, pointed it to his head, and transfigured his head into that of a fish. Everyone gasped, and McGonagall stared, speechless.

"Well, you've certainly proved me wrong, Potter! You're showing sixth year transfiguration, which is more than I can say for most of you. Thirty points to Gryffindor!"

James smirked and glanced over at Lily, whose face was rather red. Ha! He knew he'd show her.

Lily felt humiliated, and a surge of jealously went through her. She had practiced the transfiguration of furniture into animals for nights on end, and here was James Potter showing off again by doing transfiguration that was well above O.W.L. levels. At least she'd be able to beat him in Charms, her best subject.

As class ended, James walked up to her and whispered, "Not so perfect, are you, Evans? McGonagall clearly thinks I'm more talented in Transfiguration than you are."

Lily restrained tears from coming down. "Well, Potter, at least I can do better in Charms than you. You were the only one who had extra homework because you couldn't master the Summoning Charm. I can do charms that are well above Ordinary Wizard Level and maybe above N.E.W.T. levels."

James shook his head. When will Evans learn, he thought. I don't even care if she beats me in anything. I just like to get her riled up over something, since she looks so pretty when she's mad. Wait, where did that thought come from?

"Why are you shaking your head, Potter? In denial?" Lily smirked.

James rolled his eyes. "Evans, I'd never be in denial for such a reason so trivial. Anyway..." He looked over her shoulder and groaned.


"It's Snape and his gang."

And it was. Snape was strutting along with his usual gang, and smiled widely at Lily, who frowned back.

"Hello, Mudblood. Nice day, isn't it?"

Lily glared at him. "Oh, very nice day, Snivellus. Your hair is actually less greasier than usual."

But both Lily and James noticed a considerable difference in their gang. Now following the Slytherin boys were two girls, each very different from each other.

The first one was tall and thin, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a look as if there was dung under her nose. She was standing next to Malfoy, who seemed to be smug about having a girl next to him. They knew who she was of course—this was Narcissa Black, Sirius' very own cousin.

The second one had long, dark hair and creamy eyelids that veiled dark black eyes. She was shorter than Narcissa, but still quite tall, and had a strange dark beauty that seemed to intrigue Lily. She was Sirius' other cousin and Narcissa's sister, Bellatrix Black, and she stood next to Rodolphus Lestrange, who had his arm around her.

Bellatrix sneered at Lily. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Lily Evans, the perfect girl of Gryffindor. And what a surprise, it's James Potter, my dear cousin's best friend."

James seethed in anger. "Stay away from Evans, you little—"

"Don't insult my girlfriend, Potter," snapped Lestrange, glaring at James forcefully. "I daresay she's much better looking than your Mudblood Evans and much cleverer."

"Are you kidding me? Lily's one of the cleverest students at Hogwarts, if not the cleverest. Your girlfriend can't even compare with her!"

The funny thing was, James didn't seem to deny the fact that Lily wasn't his girlfriend.

Narcissa laughed. "Ah, now I see why your friends with Sirius. You're just like him, arrogant, so full of yourselves. Pity, how your lives will end so shortly..."

The gang snickered, and Lily's temper rose.

"Shut up, you stupid idiots! You're all going to be the ones who'll go first, since everyone in this school hates you already."

Avery, the newest member of their group, raised his eyebrows. "Oh, really, Evans? By the time the Dark Lord rises, you'll be dead, along with your mummy and daddy."

They laughed even harder. The rest of the Marauders and girls approached them. Sirius glanced at James with a puzzled expression.

"Hey, James, what's the hold-up? We have to go to Quidditch..." He trailed off as he saw who they were talking to.

Bellatrix smiled. "Well, if it isn't dear widdle Sirius, my favourite cousin." She sneered.

Sirius glared at her. "As far as I'm concerned, Bellatrix, you're no relative of mine. In fact, none of these worthless Blacks are."

Snape stared. "You do know that you're insulting your own family and yourself, don't you, Black?"

"I know very well what I'm saying, Snape. My family believes in a whole lot of crap, with their pure-blooded speeches, and I can't stand it any longer. My mother, especially, and that cursed house-elf—"

"Kreacher is useful," interrupted Narcissa curtly.

"Oh, I didn't know Slytherins cared for someone or something other than themselves," snapped Sirius irritably.

Lestrange snorted. "Black, you are so thick at times, even though, for some reason, you get the best grades in our year..."

"Of course, I do. After all, I try to stay away from my two cousins, so my intelligence improves."

Arabella glared at the whole lot of them. "C'mon, let's go. We don't want you guys to be late for Quidditch practice."

As they turned to go, Wilkes yelled, "Hey, Figg, want to go out with me?" All the Slytherins laughed uproariously at the comment.

Sirius shook with anger. "Those stupid prats," he mumbled. "Dating my cousins...soon I'll be the only Black left."

No one dared mention Sirius' parents or brother, for fear that he'd grow even angrier than before. Sirius absolutely abhorred his parents and brother, Regulus, for believing that the world should be rid of Muggle-borns and have all the purebloods rule the world.

James and Lily potter: Fourth YearWhere stories live. Discover now