Chapter 21: fourth year

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"Their parents are probably part of those Death Eaters," said Violet unhappily.

"I agree," said an unknown voice.

They all turned around to see Frank Longbottom, Alice Hart, and Andromeda Black glancing down at them, smiling slightly.

"Er—" James had nothing to say.

Andromeda nodded at Sirius. "Our whole families a mess. They all believe that what this Voldemort is saying is true."

Sirius was outraged. "They BELIEVE the guy that threatened James twice?"

Frank looked at James quickly. "He threatened you?"

James shrugged. "Yeah. I didn't think it was such a big deal, though..."

"It is," said Alice urgently. "You must tell Professor Dumbledore about your meetings with Voldemort. He's a serious one, him. He means what he says."

"Your parents are tracking him down," added Frank.

"They are?"

"Well, yes. The Aurors were sent by old Bagnold, who doesn't believe a word that anyone is saying about Voldemort being harmless."

"But she wrote that everyone should remain calm!"

"Ha! That wasn't her," said Andromeda, snorting. "That was the idiot who wrote this article—the Harp chord guy, or whatever is name is. He seems to think that he knows what he's talking about, writing all this trash down."

"So, you think he's not just someone who seeks attention?" asked Lily in a hushed tone.

"Nope." Alice shook her head. "Dumbledore thinks he's something too—that's why he looks all worried at the staff table."

Frank grinned at her. "You were always observant, Alice."

"Were?" demanded Alice threateningly. "Don't you mean are?"

"Oh, of course," he faltered. "Yes—are, I mean."

Andromeda smirked. "Alice is the only one who can control Frank. Poor guy. He's in love with her." She shook her head gloomily.

"What about Ted?" asked Sirius slyly.

His cousin turned red. "What about him?"

"He snogs you ever hour of the day! You two are sick." He made a face.

"Aww...shut up, Sirius."

"With pleasure, Nita."

Andromeda rolled her eyes. "I don't know how you get 'Nita' from 'Andromeda', but maybe that's just your way."

"Sirius is an oddball," said Arabella brusquely.

"They've had a bit of a—falling out," whispered Lily, so that only Andromeda could hear.

"What happened?"

"She caught Sirius in a total lip-lock with some Ravenclaw," she replied quietly.

Andromeda's dark eyes widened. "He cheated on her?"

Lily nodded sadly, looking over at where Arabella was still sulking, but glancing at Sirius now and then with hurt in her eyes.

"Poor girl. I didn't know my cousin could be so..." Andromeda couldn't find the words.

"Player-like?" suggested Lily.

"Yeah." She laughed. "So...who're you with?"

Lily turned red. "What makes you think I'm with anyone?"

James and Lily potter: Fourth YearWhere stories live. Discover now