Chapter 3: Fourth year

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"I'm sorry, Amos," she replied frostily. "But I think it'll ruin my reputation by dating someone like you. Maybe next time I'll actually consider it for one more second."

Jennifer stifled a laugh, and Amos looked her way. Jennifer wasn't as popular as Lily and Arabella were to the male species at Hogwarts, but nevertheless, she was still attractive to most. She suddenly stopped laughing, seeing that Amos' grey eyes were fixed on her blue ones. "Yes?" she asked innocently.

"Maybe you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me," he said, flashing her one of his famous smiles that melted every girl's heart.

Jennifer reached out for Remus' hand, and said coolly, "Maybe I wouldn't. Don't you know? I already have someone that I love." She smiled at Remus lovingly, cuddling closer toward him.

Amos snorted in disgust. "How can you girls refuse someone like me? You three are the most popular girls at school, and yet you would rather date the Marauders than someone like Kevin Patil or me. Well, there's no one left except for that disgraceful, no good girl sitting over there next to loser Pettigrew."

Violet jumped, and her lip began to tremble. Her dark brown eyes flashed angrily at him. "You know what? You just think you're so Mr. I'm-So-Wonderful, but you're not! You're just a low-life rascal who plays with girls' hearts one by one until you've broken them all. Why should my friends or me date someone like you, then? Huh? That's a question that even Lily, James, or Sirius can't figure out, and they're the geniuses of Hogwarts! You just feel like you need to make fun of people like me. Well, you're not cool, Diggory. You're just a low-life jerk."

Everyone stood in stunned silence. Violet was more furious than they had ever seen her, even more furious when she stood against James or the Slytherins. Amos was surprised to see the quiet one of the girls so loud and outspoken. His lips curved into a smile.

"Not that quiet field mouse that you want people to assume about you, eh? I like feisty girls." He moved closer, but Violet pushed him back.

"Leave my friends and I alone, Diggory, or you'll get trouble from me." She drew out her wand and pointed it threateningly at Amos' chest.

Amos huffed and stalked out of the compartment without another word. There were a few more minutes of silence, but then the Marauders and the girls all cheered.

"You sure showed Diggory, Vi!" appraised Jennifer enthusiastically. "Now he'll probably never bother us again after what you did."

Violet flushed. "Do you really think so?"

"I know so."

"Knowing Diggory, he'd probably come crawling back to you girls again," said James pessimistically. "But the Marauders will protect you!"

"Oh, I feel so protected," said Lily sarcastically.

Before the both of them could start another argument, the lights on the Hogwarts Express started to flicker. Suddenly, everything went black, as the train slowed down.

"What's happening?" screamed Arabella. "Sirius? Where are you?"

"Right here, Bella," came a muffled voice on the other side of the compartment.



"Where's here, you idiot?"

"QUIET!" yelled James. The eight of them became silent.

The driver was speaking through the whole train. "Please remain calm everyone. I'm afraid there's been a shortage of powder, and the train's run out of fuel..."

Everyone groaned, and Lily questioned, "Fuel? I didn't know you guys used fuel for transportation!"

From somewhere in a corner, James replied dryly, "Well, we don't use magic as the solution to everything, you know. When will you learn, Lily?"

"Yes, Mudblood, when will you learn?" A soft glow came, as a dark figure glided toward them. As the person lifted his hood, his face appeared. Voldemort.

"Oh, it's you," snapped James. "What do you want this time?"

"Why, don't be so impertinent, Mr. Heir," he mocked. "All I ask you is to join me. There are advantages to this. You and your little friends won't be harmed, as well as anyone connected to you won't be, either. Only my enemies shall be killed and tortured."

James narrowed his eyes. "Why should I believe you?"

"Because I am Lord Voldemort."


"Master?" It was Snape and his gang standing at the doorway, looking shocked.

"Ah, Severus. How nice to see you again."

"What do you want from my friend?" demanded Sirius angrily, glaring at Voldemort. "Leave him alone, or else I'll be dealing with you."

Voldemort raised his eyebrows. "I will leave now, Severus. But I will be back, Potter." He disappeared with a faint 'pop'!

A couple of weeks passed since the incident on the Hogwarts Express, and fourth year was in full swing. They all had more work than ever, and everyone, with the exception of Lily, were groaning and complaining over it all.

"It's really not that bad," said Lily enthusiastically, as the eight of them worked on a nasty Potions essay in the library one day.

"Easy for you to say," said Arabella, staring blankly into One Thousand Herbs and Fungi and scribbling words onto her parchment. "You're at the top of the class next to James and Sirius. You're good at everything, Lils. Please respect the fact that not everyone is like you."

"Oh, sorry, Bella," apologised Lily sheepishly.

A bang was heard as Sirius slammed the book shut impatiently. "That's it, I've had it! I can't stand this work any longer! I'll be off in the common room..."

"Snogging with a girl?" supplied Arabella coolly.

Sirius stared at her, and then grinned. " know I'd never, Bells. Only with you."

"I've seen you look at that Lori Paterson from Ravenclaw quite a lot lately."

He tensed, but faked a smile. "I'd never, Bella."

She rolled her eyes. "Su-re. Whatever, I'm going to go back to work."

Sirius rushed out of the library eagerly. A bit too eager, thought Lily. I sense that something not so good is going to happen soon.

Sure enough, the delightful scream of a girl echoed through the corridors, and Lily heard the laugh of Sirius along with it.

"What the hell is going on out there?" hissed Arabella. They all followed her out of the library just in time to see Sirius' lips on the one and only Lori Paterson's.

Her eyes filled with tears. "SIRIUS BLACK!"

Sirius jumped and looked at his girlfriend, his eyes widening. "No, no, Bella, this isn't what it looks like."

"Oh, isn't it?" Her eyes flashed. "That's it, Sirius. We've broken up and gotten together again twice, but it isn't happening a third time." She glared at her friends to emphasize more. "It's over between us—forever. You can go snog as many girls as you want now, Sirius. You're free from the burdens of old Arabella Figg." She pushed through the couple and headed toward Gryffindor Tower.

Lily's eyes burned into Sirius'. "I can't believe you did that, Sirius. After all those intimate moments you've shared with my best risk her affection with your hormonal desires?" She shoved him to the ground roughly, glared at James, Remus, and Peter, as if to say, "You'd better watch it, too", and went after her friend.

James and Lily potter: Fourth YearOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant