Chapter 25: summer of fourth year

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"That is disgusting," commented Jennifer, wrinkling her nose.

"As if you don't do enough of it with Remus, Jen," teased Lily, secretly happy since her friends were snogging again.

"We don't...snog," said Jennifer matter-of-factly. "It's so—"

"—not us," finished Remus.

James snorted. "Yeah, yeah, it's not like the rest of us care how you two kiss, anyway."

"Enjoying yourself, I see, Mr. Potter," said a cold voice.

Everyone was startled and turned around to see Voldemort beaming at them with his hungry red eyes. Sirius and Arabella let go of each other quickly and glanced at Lily and James.

"What do you want?" spat James angrily.

"What do I want? Well, Potter, since you've told me that you'll never join me, I have no choice but to kill you."

"What have I ever done to you?"

"By marrying the Mudblood and having the child that will destroy my reign of dark," said Voldemort evenly. "So, if I kill you and the Mudblood, no one can destroy me."

Lily and James glanced at each other, panic in their eyes. They were going to be killed by this nutter, and they couldn't even use magic to defend themselves, since magic was not to be used during the holidays. Lily closed her eyes and was ready for the blow. She had a short life, and a great one as well. She just wanted to say good-bye to her friends and family before she left the world.

Fortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Potter had come outside to check on them and to bring them some refreshments. Voldemort's eyes widened as he saw them.

Mrs. Potter dropped the eight glasses of lemonade she held on a silver platter. "Voldemort!" she hissed.

Mr. Potter glared. "Good afternoon, Tom. Lovely day, isn't it?"

Voldemort's eyes narrowed. "Potter and lovely." He sneered. "I am here to kill your son and future daughter-in-law."

James' parents exchanged looks of great surprise.

"What?" exclaimed Mrs. Potter. "Kill James? And—his future wife? Are you mad?"

Voldemort snorted. "I am not. Now hand over your son, or you will be dying along with him."

"MUM!" screamed James. "No, don't sacrifice yourself, NO!"

Mr. Potter looked gravely at James. "James Henry Potter, your mother and I have brought you into this world, and we're going to keep you in this world. We've already lived a good life here, and I want you to, too."

Lily's insides lurched. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were going to get themselves killed—for her and James!

"No, Mr. Potter, Mrs. Potter, don't!" she cried sharply. "It's—it's all a trap."

Voldemort narrowed his eyes. "Quiet, Evans."

"No! You're just a lousy, no good bum who thinks you can take over the world! Well, you're not! And I'm not going to allow it. That's right, kill me instead."

James' eyes widened. "Lily, no! If you kill Lily, you'll have to kill me, too."

"And me," said Sirius.

"And us," said everyone else.

"You're making this too easy." Voldemort grinned and raised his wand. "AVADA KED—"

"Stupefy!" cried Mr. Potter.

"Protego!" shouted Mrs. Potter.

Voldemort fell backwards and his face narrowed. "You'll pay for this." He left with a whisk of his cloak.

James and Lily potter: Fourth YearOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant