I Thought We Were Friends

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Will was excited.

This would mark the second time that he would be going to the Ranger's Gathering. Thankfully, there were no current ongoing wars to cut this one short. Will would finally get to see what it was like to be a part of the Ranger Corps. And to take part in their traditions.

Speaking of traditions... Will thought. He glanced around, listening carefully before opening his mouth to speak. He drew a breath.

Then Halt held up a hand suddenly, and Will's words caught in his throat. He glanced around nervously. He'd been sure that there had been no one around when he'd listened moments ago.

He remembered the one tradition he had gotten to take part in last year. It was more of an unofficial tradition, but Will had enjoyed it. Apparently, Gilan loved to play a game with Halt on their way into the Gathering in which he would try to sneak up on the older Ranger. For years, Halt had eluded him. Will could remember the pressure he had felt the previous year, not wanting to ruin that ongoing streak for his mentor. And he'd managed to get the better of Gilan.

Needless to say, it had been an interesting way for Will to meet Halt's first apprentice.

Now, however, Will was rather eager for this year's game. He and Halt had discussed the plan the previous day before they neared the secret location. As it was, they were still at least two hours away from the wooded area that hid the clearing where the Ranger's met, and their plan wouldn't work until they were in the woods.

Which was why Will was so confused when Halt silenced him. Gilan shouldn't be this far out. Usually he waited until they were in the woods...

And suddenly, it clicked. Gilan had decided to ambush them early, precisely for the reason Will had just used. It was unexpectedly early.

Will wondered briefly if he should try to show Halt that he understood, but pushed the thought aside. They were in a meadow, with only a few short bushes and lone trees for cover. As such, Will knew that Gilan would surely be behind one of those bushes.

He cleared his throat, glancing sheepishly at Halt.

"Erm... Halt?"

Halt turned to glare at him. The sight made Will shrink away involuntarily. Still, he continued on.

"I think we need to stop..." he said, hoping and praying Halt would take the hint.

Instead, the grizzled old Ranger flexed his jaws in obvious anger.

"And why, pray tell, would we do that?"

Will gulped. He felt so very awkward.

"Well... you see..." he managed slowly. "I need to... you know..."

Halt raised an angry eyebrow.

"No," he stated plainly. "Actually, I don't know."

Will cleared his throat again. Then he straightened his back.

"I really need to pee," he said bluntly. Halt blinked once. Then twice. Finally, he reigned in Abelard.

Will reigned in Tug. He waited impatiently. Finally, Halt turned quickly on him, waving angrily.

"Well get on with it then!" Halt demanded. Will nodded furiously, spurring Tug over toward a larger bush, where he dismounted quickly.

He waited one minute. Then halfway through the second.

"Better not make it too suspicious," he whispered to Tug before he stepped out from behind the bush he'd chosen. As an afterthought he gave the horse a hand signal. Tug tossed his head in understanding.

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