46 💕

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Boxing Day was arguably going to be more exciting than Christmas day this year and there was a very good reason for that. That reason was because I was going to get the chance to see Heather again! I knew that it hadn't been that long since the two of us had last seen each other but I was still incredibly excited to see her again and give her presents. The sun was shining on what I already knew was going to be a beautiful day. I just couldn't help but think about how, in the midst of all this happiness, Drew and I still hadn't talked, at all. I had sent him a Christmas card but I hadn't received anything from him. Nothing at all. I sighed. At least I had Heather. That was always something that I could appreciate, even when Drew was being a bit of an asshole. Alright, perhaps he was being more than just a 'bit' of an asshole but I was giving him allowances. This was the first time that we had really and truly stopped being friends. I supposed that he was still mad at me over the whole Heather situation. 

Drew honestly needed to grow up, though. I wondered if he would ever work up the guts to talk to me again. It wasn't as though I had done anything wrong. All I had ever truly wanted was to be friends with Heather. I hadn't meant to break up an entire band by doing so. However, feelings got involved as feelings have a habit of doing and Heather wasn't going to allow herself to be pushed around by him anymore, especially not when she wanted to be with me. I couldn't help but allow myself as a smile, as I thought about that. Out of everyone that Heather could have been with at school, she had picked me. 

Once my father and I made our way out of the house to walk towards our car, I looked up to the sky for a moment. It was a gorgeous bright blue. Despite it being a rather cold winter's day, I was sure that I would blush and warm up soon enough, as soon as I saw Heather again.

I believed that I was going to stay over at hers, too, because we were going to stargaze together. Of course, her father was going to be around so we weren't going to go crazy or anything but I was just glad that I was going to be able to see her again! I really had missed her. 

I held on tightly to the presents in my lap, as my father drove us to Heather's and soon enough, we arrived outside her house. 

"Call me if you need me to pick you up, darling!" my dad said. 

"I will do, dad. I love you," I said. 

"I love you too," he said warmly, as I got out of the car and closed the door behind me, before making my way up towards the front door of Heather's house. 

 I was relieved that Heather opened the door quickly because there was a bitter winter chill in the air and I didn't want to catch frostbite any time soon. She looked as beautiful as ever and was dressed in a warm autumn-orange sweater today. 

"You look so stunning," Heather commented, before I could say anything about how amazing she looked. 

Of course, her words instantly made me blush but I was too happy to see her again to even care about all of that. 

Heather watched as a pigeon fluttered by nearby and then smiled towards me. 

"I may or may not have received a kitten for Christmas! Do you want to meet her?" she asked me, as the two of us made our way into her house. 

"Sure!" I said. 

The two of us walked into the living room to find Heather's father sat with a cup of coffee, watching the television. His eyes brightened slightly, as they caught sight of me. 

"Hi again, Zoe. It's good to see you," he said. 

I met Heather's gaze momentarily with a look of surprise, before I returned my attention to her father. 

"You too, Mr Violets," I said. 

It was good to see that he had become a lot more at peace with the whole matter of Heather being not-so-straight. 

Heather's kitten began to walk over to the two of us then and I smiled down at her. 

Heather picked her kitten up off the ground so she could hold her gently in her arms. 

"Guess what her name is," she said. 

"Hmmm... Socks?" I asked. 

Heather chuckled. 

"Nah. Her name is Eve. Evie was so insistent on us calling the cat Evie but obviously we weren't going to do that. That would get confusing," Heather said. 

"Hey!" Evie said, as she entered the living room. 

Heather smirked at her. 

"Do you want to open your presents?" I asked her. 

Heather's eyes glanced down to the bag of presents then and she smiled. 

"Yes! Mine are in my room. Let's go," she said, as she held her hand out for me to take. 

The two of us made our ways back upstairs to her room, so we could then open each other's Christmas presents. 

Heather got me some books, a necklace and a charm bracelet. I got Heather some movies, a charm bracelet and a gift voucher for the local music store. 

"You're so great," Heather said. 

"I know it's not much but-" 

"Hey, I appreciate you getting me anything, Zoe. You're my girlfriend, I'm glad that the two of us are together. Now, is everything okay with you?" she said, as she began to place my charm bracelet onto my wrist. Her gentle touch made me feel a little comforted but I still had a lot of worries running through my mind. 

"I want to be happy but I guess I'm kind of sad about the whole Drew situation. Perhaps it was just...too idealistic of me to believe that the two of us could be friends forever or something. People change," I said. 

"Hey, Drew will come around," Heather told me, as she pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead, "I promise. Now, do you want to stay over?" she offered. 

"I did bring some spare clothes and overnight things in my backpack, so sure," I said with a smile. 

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