Chapter 8

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"How is my mother? Did you send her what she needs?" Johan asked Taejoon. He is now here at his house to greet his mother who he left behind in their world.

"I've given her everything she needs, I still need to insert her into an episode just to give her what you said. What if readers wonder why there is a need for such a scene? They will definitely think of something again. " Taejoon replied.

"If you didn't give my mother such pain, I wouldn't have to tease you just to give her what she needed." Johan said.

Taejoon sit straight on the sofa when he heard someone fall from his room, Johan also looked at the stairs where the loud sound came from.

They looked at each other and at the same time went upstairs to go to Taejoon's room, "Do you think what I think?" He asked Johan before they opened the door.


( ಠ‿ಠ)

Taejoon opened the door of his room and slowly walked into it, Johan just followed him.

"Bloody! Is this real?" Taejoon asked at what he saw, he suddenly fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Johan just watched him.


Johan turned to Daniel who called him, Daniel couldn't believe it based on his face.

He plastered a smile on his face, "Daniel? You find me!" Johan glowed in his eyes. Daniel approached him and held him by both shoulders, examining his whole body.

"Is this true? Why are you here? Where are we?" Daniel asked.

"Look around you."

Daniel obeyed Johan's command and looked around the room, his knees almost trembling because of what he saw. His eyes went round when he saw his picture on the wall, he touched every part of it.

"So,  Jiwon said is true?" His eyes welled up, he turned to Johan and pressed his lips together, "Are we in another world? Is this the real world? T-This picture? What is this all about?" He stuttered word while pointing on his picture on the wall.

"We are in another world but it is a little different from our world. You know what is more insane? We are fictional characters in this world." Johan replied. He clenched his jaw.

Daniel simpered, "Impossible."

"Yeah, I know but this is the truth. Our world is named Webtoon, it is an online platform where different characters like us live." Johan approached the photo on the wall and touched it one by one.

"We are in a story, I thought God was in control of our world but I was wrong. Someone was just writing us." He added.

"What do you mean?" Daniel asked confused.

Johan pointed to Taejoon who was lying on the floor, "He is the author and illustrator of our world."

"I don't believe you. This thing can't happen." Daniel insisted.

"I know Daniel but do you want to see Jiwon?"

Daniel's eyes sparkled, "I really want to."

After they put Taejoon on his bed Johan took Daniel to where Jiwon was. They stopped outside the apartment building where Johan lived.

"I live here temporarily, you can also live here with me." Johan told him. He looked at the huge building.

"Where can I see Jiwon? Why are we going here? Have you talked to him yet?"

Johan was about to answer but they were distracted by the noise of the motor that had just arrived, Jiwon came down from here. Mark left with his single motor, so Jiwon was about to enter the apartment building even though she saw Johan standing in front of it.

Chasing Jiwon Park [ Lookism / Johan seong ]Where stories live. Discover now