Chapter 9: Released

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No ones POV

Mao Mao took his first step outside in a while, he had been in the hospital for 3 weeks now. He missed his home and his family. Mao Mao took a deep breath and let it out.

He started to walk towards HQ. He decided to surprise Badgerclops and Adorabat with his arrival, he hadn't told either of them he was coming home today. Since he didn't have the airocycle he had to use the elevator lift that Badgerclops made.

Mao Mao's POV

I walked on to the elevator and hesitated to press the button on the side of the elevator, I had never used it before, I dont lnow if it's even safe to go is this thing. I get over my fear and press the button. The elevator rises at a medium pace speed to the top of the hill while I wait.

"Finally!" I said as it now had reached the top of the hill. "Ok, time for my big opening" I say as I look at the front doors of HQ.

No ones POV

Mao Mao bursts into the front door of HQ causing Badgerclops and Adorabat to look over at what was the commotion. "I'm back!" Mao Mao said as he made jazzy hands. "Mao Mao!" Badgerclops and Adorabat yelled in unison while pulling Mao Mao into a hug.

"I know, I know, I missed yall to" Mao Mao said happily. "What happened? I thought your were supposed to be out tomorrow?"

"Well I got out earl-"

Mao Mao stopped talking because he was surprised to see what looked like some sort of party room, but it wasn't set up yet. "What's all that?" He asked

"Oh! Well, we did have a party planned for when you would come back but you got here ear-" Badgerclops was cut off by Adorabat and her plan will. " How about we just go around town and visit some places!"

"You know what. That's not a bad idea!" Mao Mao exclaimed. "I have been in the hospital for a while, it ill be nice to visit some new places in town" "sounds pretty good to me!"
The Badger agreed. "Let's go then!" An excited Adorabat flew out of the doors of HQ and on to the airocycle. Badgerclops and Mao Mao followed behind her.

Little did they know, drama, pain and doubts were ahead.....

(398 Words)

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