ix. chapter nine

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ix. chapter nine

 chapter nine

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SCREAMS RICOCHETED FROM WALL TO WALL. Her body twisted and turned, thrashing against blank faces and unknown arms which forcefully pinned her down with such rigour and harshness. Her throat was burnt out - exhausted and broken from the terror - and her head was panging with sirens and alarm bells as hands grabbed her and poked her. In her peripheral vision, a syringe was spotted. She could hear the sharpening of a knife when-

With a wail, Penelope had banged her head on her headboard when she shot up from her sleep.

Another nightmare.

The past couple days had been rife with those nuisances - and they were all the exact same. Someone finds out about her... situation and she gets carted off to some dodgy lab where needles and knives are dug into her to find out why she is the way she is.

It's hard to not think about it. Lately, it's been one of the only things on her mind; That, and the neverending confusion surrounding Jacob's distancing from everyone.

Bella had told her that she could not remember for the life of her what Jake meant by 'the stories'. He had told her lots of stories, yet the only one that stuck out at the time had been about the Cold Ones. How they fed on humans and had skin as cold as ice. Thinking of how Edward literally was that legend made Penelope shudder - yet somehow Bella was perfectly fine with it. Penelope knew he saved Bella's life and that their family were so friendly but...she couldn't help but think about what they could be capable of.

Then her mind wandered to those colossal wolves which likely tore that vampire to a thousand tiny pieces as if it were nothing-

The bell rang, making Penelope jolt her body as if paralysed in some infinite daydream. A dark hand on her shoulder, the gentle yet inquisitive eyes of Estelle Marshall pouring into hers trying to coax a reaction. As the last few people left the class, her soft voice spoke, "Hey, you okay? You've seemed a little off like... all day..."

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