Calm Before the Storm.

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"You should rest," Legolas suggested as I sat myself down on the table in the hall.

"There is much work to be done, supplies to move and weapons to be sharpened," I yawned as he sat next to me.

"The Uruks will be here by nightfall, the last thing you need is to be fatigued before the battle even starts." He spoke softly, "Even an hour to regain your strength would benefit you greatly."

I looked over to the corner of the Keep where Nasha was curled up sleeping. Perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea. It had been a long day what with the warg riders and the preparations for war.

"There is nowhere to sleep," I pointed out, rubbing my eyes and drawing my black cloak closer.

I tensed up as Legolas wrapped his arm around my shoulder and drew me close. I wasn't used to such an intimate closeness but as I rest my head on his shoulder, I felt my eyes droop.

"I will wake you when we are needed." He cooed softly.

It was a good thing the keep was relatively empty now that the refugees had been moved. I hated public shows of weakness. We are in the corner and away from prying eyes so I allowed myself this one time to relax.

It wasn't a deep slumber, more of a power nap, slipping between awake and asleep. I would never admit it aloud but Legolas was actually quite a comfy warm pillow.

When he did wake me, I felt very refreshed. It had only been less than an hour but he was right, I felt all the better for it.

"Thanks," I mumbled, stretching my limbs again.

I leant over and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. It wasn't much of a kiss, more like a timid peck on the cheek.

He raised an eyebrow at me but I could see the blush forming on his cheeks. I glared at him playfully but I didn't threaten him (I think by now it would just go without saying).

"We should get down to the armoury," he suggested, "We should help the soldiers prepare for the fight ahead."


The sun was dangerously low in the sky now and it would soon be dusk. I wondered if this would be my last time seeing the sun but I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind.

As we entered the armoury, I tried to keep my spirits up as I saw the villagers King Théoden had declared soldiers.

Most were old men, past their prime and deserving of a restful end, not the one they about to endure.

Then there were the young boys. I don't mean young men like teenagers, I mean young boys. Some of them looked as young as eight years of age which was far too young. Their young minds should be occupied with friends and family, not war and death.

As me and Legolas made our way to Aragorn and Gimli, I saw the villagers kit themselves out. Some of the old men took their weapons and shakes under the weight. The armour did not even fit the children, they looked as though they had just found their fathers clothes and were playing around in them but they weren't, this was real.

"Farmers, farriers, stable boys," Aragorn sighed, "These are no soldiers."

"Most have seen too many winters." Gimli grumbled.

"Or too few," Legolas added sadly.

"I have to agree. We cannot ask them to fight," I sighed, looking over at a young boy who's helmet kept falling off.

"Look at them. They're frightened." Legolas observed, "I can see it in their eyes."

With that, all the chattering from the villagers ceased as they regarded Legolas. I felt for them. They were being thrown into a war, unprepared and ill advised and now, one of the only four in the room who could actually fight, was doubting them.

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