The Reddened White City

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I woke before dawn, a few hours before we were setting off. I couldn't find sleep after that, I don't think anyone could, knowing it could be any minute before they were called to war.

I dressed in silence and strapped on some extra leather armour I had acquired back at Helm's Deep. All there was left to do now, was wait.

I went for a stroll through the camp. Most of the men were asleep or like me, unable to rest.

I found Éowyn in her tent. She wasn't accustomed to wearing armour so I helped her into it. She wasn't as talkative as usual which was a change.

I had thought that maybe she was just as nervous as the rest of us but even that was unusual. She was much like Merry, mostly excited to fight, instead of the brooding veterans.

I was helping her adjust her chainmail when she asked the most obscure question.

"Have you ever been in love, Lady Sapphire?" She asked quietly, out of the blue.

I was taken aback by her question. It was such an abrupt change of tone and an unexpected question that I was stunned into silence.

Love? I had heard the term before, everybody has, but that didn't mean that I knew exactly what it meant.

"Love?" I asked, stopping and starting up at Éowyn curiously.

"To have your heart pine for someone other than yourself. Have you ever been in love?" She asked again, her tear-filled eyes looking back at me.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully after a few moments thought.

"Do not treat me like a child, I know of your affection for the Elf Prince," Éowyn scoffed, her lip quivering slightly, "What is love like?"

What was love like? How should I know? I had no idea what I felt for Legolas, I didn't know how to describe it to myself, let alone to Éowyn.

Was it love? I didn't know, I certainly hadn't experienced anything like this before so I didn't know if it was love.

Every tale I've ever heard about love shows a Prince Charming and a damsel in distress.

I had to admit that once you got past his attitude and baby face, Legolas was quite charming (not to mention a prince). But I was in no way, a damsel and I certainly wasn't in distress.

Éoywn waiting patiently for my reply as I just stood there, trying to get to grips with myself.

"Why are you asking me?" I finally spoke up.

"You have more experience than I do." She shrugged, looking down at her feet.

I scoffed, amused at her accusation, "You've got the wrong woman."

"Have I? So you and Legolas are not courting?" She asked, making me snort with laughter.

"Courting? We're not..." I trailed off in thought before I turned to Éowyn, "Wait, are we?"

"You tell me," She said, amused by my obvious confusion.

We're me and Legolas courting? Sure, we had kissed a few times and he had 'escorted' me to the feast at the Golden Hall, but we weren't courting, at least I didn't think so.

"Oh my word, we are..." I gasped, it finally clicking in my mind, "Does that mean he... He-"

"Loves you?" Éowyn cut in, "I should think so, he has that look about him when he's with you."

"He does?" I bit my lip, trying to process this all at once, "What about me?"

"I can't speak for you, I can only tell you what I've seen," she smiled, though her eyes were still a little teary.

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