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The ringing in my ears went away pretty quick and I could hear almost everything happening around me.

I could hear the jet's destruction countdown.

I could hear wind rushing past my ears.

Then there was a brief moment when everything went silent.

I could hear people speaking around me, but had a hard time figuring out who the voices belonged to. And had an even harder time making sense of what they were saying.

I understood all the words, but my brain had them jumbled and wouldn't make a coherent sentence with them.

I couldn't move my body, it felt heavy and limp at the same time. But there were moments when I could feel almost everything around me.

I felt someone carrying me while the timer was counting down.

While the wind rushed past my ears, I felt weightless.

When I couldn't hear anything, I also realized I couldn't breath.

When I heard people talking around me, I felt a hard surface on my back, soon followed by a soft one.

Everything around me made no sense. The only thing I could truly process was what was happening in my head.


The fog became thicker all around me when my eyes shut. At first I thought it was Darkness shutting me out because she does that a lot.

But that doesn't explain why my ears started ringing.

The fog breaks a head of me and a girl is standing in its place

The girl looks just like me. Same height. Same face shape. Same hair except for the fact that hers remains black with the purple and teal streak and mines stayed blonde this whole time.

I'm not condensed like I was last time this happened because I know who she is. She's Darkness and she's angrier than what I thought was humanly possible.

"Wait, she is actually human? Whatever."

Her eyes might actually catch fire.

"Good. Maybe that will burn her head too."

She starts quickly pacing around the fog, screaming in frustration. She's also talking. I can't really make out a lot of it because she's mainly muttering to herself.

I lean to the side so I'm standing more on my left foot than the right one and cross my arms as I continue to watch her.

I quirk an eyebrow and my eyes scan from left to right, following her every move.

She doesn't seem to care or even notice that I'm here.

But where else would I be?

I watch this for a while before I decide I'm done watching her temper tantrum.


She doesn't respond.

"Darkness." I say a little louder.

Still nothing.

I huff, rolling my eyes and shout, "Darkness!"

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