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It really is a good thing we didn't go straight to the Lost City of Ouroboros because now that we were actually planning, we realized there was so much that we still didn't know... like how many nindroids there were. Or what they were even planning now that Darkness and Overlord were gone. What would Pythor even do with a robot army?

We all sat in the library, Lloyd and the others brought in a bunch of blankets for me. I had a mountain of fuzzy blankets on me and was still shivering. Once it was pointed out that I had hypothermia, the colder I was becoming, which didn't make any sense, but here I was shivering nonetheless.

"Okay, so we know Pythor and the nindroids are in Ouroboros. What now?" Cole asks

"We need to observe them beforehand. We cannot go in blindly." Sensei responds

"You sure you have no idea what they could be doing, Lindsey? Even the slightest thing could help us." Kai says

I shake my head no. I didn't want to actually answer out loud because I knew my teeth would start chattering.

Zane suddenly turns to Pixal, "sense we now know where they are hiding, maybe we can listen in on them. We now know where to find their signals."

She nods, "if we set our radio to the same frequency, it will be a stronger signal. Even if they are offline, we could be able to find the nindroids frequencies. It will be easy because we are offline as well sense we both share your power source."

They both close their eyes and get to work in some way only they could see through their computers.

"They share the same power source?" I whisper out through chattering teeth. "Whoops!"

Nya nods, "after we shut down the power, it shut Pixal down as well. Zane gave her half of his power source or heart I guess. It was specially made by Julien so it didn't need a system to connect to."

"That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. See? How could anyone not love Zane?!"

"Ah, that's so sweet!" I smile slightly, then close my mouth again to stop my teeth.

"Are you still cold?!" Jay asks

I nod and shrug my shoulders.

"Here let me help." Kai says

"I thought we agreed you weren't gonna set me on fire." I laugh, my teeth still rattling.

Kai rolls his eyes, with a lighthearted groan, "ha ha!" But he moves over to me and kneels down in front of my chair. He grabs my hands and suddenly his start glowing red. No flames are actually made, but he was sort of acting like a heating pad.

The warmth floods through my fingers, up through arms and eventually makes its way through my whole body.

It sends a shiver up my spine, but definitely leaves me warmer, "wow, thanks." I gasp out

"No problem." He smirks

Suddenly the radio in the library starts buzzing and gives off a high pitched ringing. Zane and Pixal open their eyes unaffected, but the rest of us groan and cover our ears.

"Our apologies," Zane says, "we found their signal and connected it to the radio so we could all hear. It's not a very strong source, but maybe we'll be able to hear something important."

The staticky noise continues for a few seconds, just grumbling coming through the receiver. But then a voice comes through. We can't make it out, but it's definitely starting to pick up something.

The white noise continues to whirl and whistle, becoming super high pitch again. Then it all goes silent, all the static stops and Cryptor's voice comes through. It was just the end of a sentence, "project Arcturus." A fragment before it all cut off, but it was unquestionably important.

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