Night 4 (cont.)

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You can't.

Mike was frozen in place. Jeremy screamed in pain and dropped to the floor.

"Let him go... Please." Mike managed to say. Vincent smirked and stabbed Jeremy again in the same spot but now on the opposite side of where he first stabbed him. Jeremy gasped as tears rolled down his face.

"W-what did I do to get this..." Mike asked the man, tears in his eyes.

"You were a witness..." Vincent spat at Mike.

"But... Why are you hurting him." Mike spoke with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Too have fun. Why else? I love seeing people suffer~" Vincent purred dragging the knife up Jeremy's cheek. Mike gasped. Every time he did something to Jeremy it was like poisen. It paralized him.

"Hurry Mikey. Save your boy friend~" Vincent said slicing ever so carefully on the back of Jeremy's neck. Mike couldn't move. He tried to step but his legs wouldn't move.

"I-i..." Mike whispered.

"You?" Vincent said smiling. Mike couldn't answer.

"You can't." Vincent slurred. He stabbed Jeremy's side. That seemed to cause enough adrenaline in Mikes body to all of a sudden lunge at the purple man.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Mike screamed as he fell onto the cement. A loud crack echoed in the building. Mike could hear Jeremy whispering.

"M-Mike. Are we g-gonna d-die?" Jeremy coughed.

"No." Mike shouted trying to get up, but fell back down when something heavy stepped down onto his back.

"AH!" Mike screamed in pain. Vincent smiled.

"Now shut up so I dont make it painful." Vincent growled scratching the knife down mikes back cutting it open.

"F-fucking STOP!" Mike said lowly then surprising really loudly. That earned him a knock to the head.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

"Awww... What a shame. We will have to finish our game tomorrow..." Vincent said suddenly vanishing. Mike struggled to get up.

"Jeremy... Are you ok?" Mike asked wavering. He didn't get a response. Mike shot up.

"JEREMY!" Mike yelled staring at Jeremy who was covered in blood. Mike didnt care about how he hurt, he had to save Jeremy. He checked Jeremy's pulse. He couldn't feel anything.

"JEREMY!" Mike screamed picking up the small frame shakily. He carried him out... Slowly...

"P-please don't die. Your all I have left." Mike said taking him home.

He locked the front door and ran to get some towels to hopefully help fix Jeremy. He's probably dead. Mike told himself. I'm too late.

I can't be late right!? Mike worried running out of the bathroom with towels and a first aid kit. He got Jeremy on to a couple of towels which wasn't that hard because he was so light. He tried checking the pulse again. Nothing.

Mike took out wraps to go around Jeremy's wounds. Mike couldn't help it. He cried while trying to fix him.

"P-please." Mike whispered kissing Jeremy softly. "I can't loose you. N-not yet."

He sat there crying not even caring about how bad his body hurt.

Please just let Jeremy live.



Well I'm preparing myself for a bombard of comments. And probably a few slaps from my friends. Haha sorry.



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