Night 1

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Mike opened the door of the pizzeria and opened it swiftly. Jeremy swiftly trailed in behind the other male. They slowly made their way down the empty hallways. 'They arnt gonna be empty for long..' Mike told himself.

"Uh... Well this is kinda creepy." Jeremy said moving a bit closer to Mike.

"Yeah it gets creepy at night." Mike said. "But this jobs easy...ish." He spoke softly.

"I-is that our office?" Jeremy asked pointing at the illuminated room ahead.

"Ah. Yeah it is." Mike nodded and grabbed Jeremy's wrist pulling him along.

"O-ow." Jeremy mumbled.

"Well jeez I'm sorry we don't have much time..." Mike said checking the clock. It was 11:54. Took them a little longer to get here because of traffic.

"Not like anythings gonna happen right away Mike..." Jeremy said when they get there.

"Sure~" Mike said smiling. Jeremy rolled his eyes and took one of the chairs. He sat there flicking the flashlight every now and then.

"Well this is boring." Jeremy muttered.

"Just wait...." Mike said. He just had to wait till three. That's when JEREMY will fucking get the idea. This place...

--time skip 3:27am--

Jeremy's eyes widened at the noise of clanking metal.

"W-what's that!!!" Jeremy shouted.

"Told you things will happen. Um... Flash your flashlight more often now, and start checking the vents. Now it might be good to tell you that they do tend to wander a bit. Blah blah." Mike explained to the now shaking Jeremy.

"T-that's impossible... Arnt they turned off for the day?!" 1


"Well shit." Jeremy mumbled. He checked the hallway and gasped. A purple thing, that was missing it's face, arm and even its hand. Jeremy actually felt a little bad for it. But right now he couldn't move. It was really close in the hallway. At least it wasn't in the room.

"M-Mike..." Jeremy said gripping his arm.

"Ey ey. Wind up the box... I need this arm to check the vents so let go." Said a little aggressively. Jeremy blushed a little and went back to the music box and quickly wound it all the way up.

Jeremy shot his head up at the sound of heavy metal coming into the room. He looked at the purple thing. It was limping slightly.

"Mask!" Mike said quickly while jabbing Jeremy's side. He look across the desk and saw an empty brown Freddy mask. He quickly grabbed it and put it on. The lights flickered. 'I'm so dead...' Jeremy thought to himself. Soon the lights flickered back on.

"You can take of your mask now." Mike said to Jeremy, placing his hand on his leg reassuring Jeremy. Jeremy could feel his face heat up.

"Uh... O-ok..." Jeremy stuttered pulling of that mask.

"Are you ok?" Mike asks moving closer to Jeremy. He just quickly nodded and put his face down on the desk and hid it with his arms.

"Dude..." Mike said softly.

"G-go away." Jeremy said. He was surprised to feel a hand pull him up from the desk and push his back against the chair. He saw Mike standing up. He scanned his body. He was built well. He had really pretty eyes. They were crystal blue. The state only made Jeremy blush even more. He was surprised when he saw Mike get a small shade of pink in his face too. Make sighed and sat back down.

"Jeez." Mike said flashing the flashlight down the hallway at foxy. Nothing much happened that night. A few minutes later, the chime echoed throughout the office. Mike got up from his chair and pushed it into the desk. Jeremy did that same.

"Uh... I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Mike said starting to walk to the door that lead outside.

"W-wait Mike." Jeremy said grabbing mikes arm. "T-thank you. You s-saved my back there you know?" Jeremy smiled. Mike chuckled and ruffled the other guys hair.

"Well we work together. I'm not just gonna let you die." Mike said.

"Well, yeah." Jeremy laughed. "I'll see you later today or tonight I guess."

"See you later." Mike waved walking outside. Then it hit him. Jeremy rushed outside.

"M-Mike... I need a way home. D-do you think you can drive me back?" Jeremy said.

"Uh sure. Where do you live?" Mike said pointing at the opposite side of the car. Jeremy waddled over there and got in.

"Green ridge apartments... It's quite a while away." Jeremy explained. "I live with my father."

"Is he nice?" Mike asked.

"Uh. Yeah." Jeremy said smiling.

"That's good."


The were silent most of the ride there. It was a lot more pleasant then the time that they were at his house.

"T-there it is." Jeremy spoke pointing at a sign. "It's the building farthest down." He said softly.

"Wow these are really cool looking!" Mike said staring at the buildings. He stopped the car near the building that Jeremy pointed too.

"Oh hey before you leave, can I give you my number? If you need a ride to work I can pick you up. Also if there's anything wrong you can call me." Mike asked. Jeremy nodded and gave Mike his phone. He took it and added his contact information.

"T-thanks." Jeremy smiled and started walked to the apartment door. He sighed and opened the door and started walking up the steps, second floor and he was there.

"Dad I'm ho-." Jeremy started to say but dropped to the floor.

"D-dad?!" He shouted staring at his father. He laid there limp. Hand over heart.


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