Getting Help

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Mikes mind raced.

Oh no oh no oh. No.

Mike quickly jumped up and rushed to the phone. He dialed 911 and told them everything.

4 minutes later people came and helped get Jeremy onto a strecher. They took him away and let the hospital address behind. Mike sat there on the couch unmoving. Tears streamed down his face.

Its all my fault.

I was too late.


Mike screamed in his head. It was his fault Jeremy died. He left him at home. That's why nothing was happening. Someone probably snuck in while Jeremy was still sleeping and hurt... Hurt him.

A name rang through his head.


No... It couldn't be.


His hand writing was like that though...

Vincent. It was Vincent. He almost killed him once. He would try again.

Mike shoved his hands in his face. He won't be able to find traces. Vincent hides always. Always.

--Time skip One hour--

Mike, still at the couch crying, heard the phone ring. He slowly got up and answered it.

"Hello? Is this Mike Schmidt?"

"Yes. What do you need?"

"We are calling from Maple Springs Hospital."

Mikes eyes opened when they said that.

"Are you calling about Jeremy?"

"Yes, sir in fact we are! We have good, and bad news."

"Uh... Do you mind telling me?"

"Yep! Well good news is Jeremy is alive... Bad news, is he's barely hanging on. He told us to call you saying he wanted you to be there."

"Ok. I'll be there soon." Mike quickly said hanging up. He quickly grabbed his coat and keys and ran out to his car.

He opened the doors of the hospital. It was a large place, many people both guests/family's and patients.

Mike walked up to the desk.

"Hello!" The lady said. She had pretty blonde hair and glasses that had purple rims. "Are you Mike Schmidt?" She asked.

Mike was a little shocked that she knew who he was.

"How did you know?" Mike asked.

"Jeremy talks about you a lot. I work half time as a nurse." She smiled laughing a bit. "So you guys are close?"

"Yeah." Mike blushed a bit. "Oh. Do you know what room he's in?" Mike asked tilting his head.

"Room 132 on the second floor!" She smiled writing it down just incase Mike forgot. He took the paper and said thank you and started walking.





Mike finally found the dang room. He was having trouble because he went down the wrong hallway at first.

He opened the door without hesitation. He saw Jeremy sleeping on the bed. He smiled knowing he was ok. He took a chair near the bed and waited for Jeremy to wake up.

It wasn't that long after Mike sat down that Jermey woke up. Mike noticed automatically and hopped down onto the floor next to Jeremy.

"W-who are you?" Jeremy asked now looking at Mike. Mike gave him a funny look.

"Do you remember me?" Mike asked softly.

"N-no..." Jeremy asked a little scared. Mike was shocked.

"J-Jeremy I'm your boy friend... We work together remember?" Mike asked almost about to cry. Something in Jeremy clicked, he knew who that was, but he couldn't grasp it.

"Maybe this will make you remeber." Mike said leaning forward kissing Jeremy on the lips. Jeremy almost pulled away but everything came back to him. He immediately pushed back into the kiss.

"M-MIKE!" Jeremy yelled wrapping his arms around Mikes body. Mike sighed in relief.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything!" A giggle came from a crossed the room. Mike turned his head and saw the lady from the desk downstairs. Mike forgot she was part time nurse. Jeremy quickly got his arms back to his side and blushed furiously.

"Sorry to make you leave, but visiting hours are over Mr. Schmidt." She said smiling. Mike nodded, kissed Jeremy and got up. Jeremy blushed.

"T-theres another person in here don't do that!" Jeremy laughed covering his face. Mike rolled his eyes.

"Bye. I'll drop by tomorrow!" Mike waved leaving the room.

--???'s P.O.V--

Right when I heard the news... I was shocked. I thought I did enough damage.

He was supposed to die...

I'll get him sooner or later...



Happiness sadness and freaking confusion in this chapter woah lots of crap. Anyways thanks for reading this chapter! Also thanks for all the views I'm getting on this story!!!

Anyways I will see you next time! ~Kat

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