Chapter 21

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I bolted from Max's room to the emergency workers nearby her room. They immediately set to action. Before I knew it, a helicopter was shooting back over to the island, for my boy. I needed to save him. I was the only one who could. If he was dead, I'd never forgive myself. Ever. I'd die if Harvey had to die. It was only fair.

From Max's window, I watched. I watched it disappear to the opposite side of the island, where I couldn't see. But I couldn't tear my gaze away from that place. Now that Brendon was gone and dad and Max were safe (deemed by the doctors), my only person to save was Harvey. My eyes were locked with the supposed position of him. My final hope to do something right.

It rose once more. They'd said they would search for 3 hours for him, yet it had only been half an hour. Either they'd found him, they'd found other survivors, or they'd had a scare, and were rushing back to safety. But for me, there was no other option. They'd found him! Surely!

I ran down the stairs and made it to emergency the same time he was pushed through the front door. I think I honestly froze in shock. His hair was slightly gone. His face was a strange colour. And his arms had burns all up them, contrasting with his tan skin. It was worse than all the others.


I stayed in emergency for hours before Ben came and got me. His eyes were all red and he looked tired, but he placed an arm over my shoulder and guided the way to his brother. We stood in the doorway silently for a minute.

He sighed and told me, "It's not great, Em. You don't have to go in".

I shook my head. "I want to see him", I said defiantly.

Ben explained the situation. "He's in a coma, so he won't be awake or do anything. But the nurses said he'll probably be able to hear you if you talk to him. And you can hold his hand, if you like".

He pushed open the door, and I left the safe hallway.

Inside he was in a bed. He looked so weak. He looked even worse close up. I could see the individual burns and cuts all over his arms, and one that was still visible on his cheek despite the stitches. I felt the urge to mess up his hair, which lay spread on the pillow. Some had disappeared, probably burnt, and he'd probably pulled some out. But he was still Harvey.

I moved towards him without even realising. Before I knew it, I was standing next to the bed. I sat carefully, making sure I wouldn't be upsetting either of his legs. What had Ben said? That he won't respond, but he'd hear me talking. So I began to speak.

"Harvey?" I croaked. "The doctors and Ben said you can probably hear me, so I'm going to talk to you".

I cleared my throat.

No movement.

No change.

"So, um, it's been a hectic few days. It's been over a week now. 8 days, to be exact. You're one of the last people they've recovered. Pretty soon anyone else is just going to be presumed dead. But don't worry, they found all of our families".

Silence, apart from the bleeping hear monitor and the clock on the wall.

After a few minutes, I sighed. "I miss you so much, Harvey". I held his limp hand loosely. "It's not the same without you. Please don't go. Don't die, I'm begging you. I need you. These past days have been so tough, I don't think I can go on if you go too. Innocent people who've done absolutely nothing wrong are dying or already dead, and I don't want you to join that list. My friends and family are now just names on a sheet of paper and memories we all have of them. How many people have walked past Brendon, and not known who he was? They'll never know him now. Ever. Life isn't fair, Harvey. Trust me, I know it now. I know it too well. We all do. But please, defy the odds. Do the impossible. Without you", I paused, taking a shuddering breath. "This world stops for me. I need you more than you probably realise. I need you by my side, all through life. I can't lose you. I can't live without you. I need you, Harvey".

My tears were running like a tap. I knew what I had to do. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his clear cheek.

It was such a sad moment, yet it was life changing.

I felt his fingers wrap around mine. His hand pressed against mine.

I pulled back my head, staring at his face. Nothing had changed. But yet his hand was firmly pressed against mine.

"Harvey?" I whispered, almost to myself, but his hand squeezed again as soon as I said it. Sure, it was faint, but it was there. But at that time I wouldn't believe it. Couldn't believe it.

So I asked him a question.

"Harvey? It's me, Emily. If you can understand me, squeeze my hand 3 times".

I waited patiently.

The first squeeze. The second.

And just as I was about to panic, the third.

I heard a scream. Later on I realised it had been me.

I don't remember much of what happened after that.

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