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Wow! We're actually here! Only months ago, I finished longhand writing my first ever book, and here we are, saying 'the end' again! I could really get used to this...

It doesn't feel properly finished, though, without some thankyous. So here we go. Yes, I will forget people, as pretty much anyone I've eve met (or heard of, or are still and forever will be unknown) has helped me. Please, I thank you all! Truly!

Well, where to begin? I'll start with my parents. Thank you both so much for always being there for me, believing in my writing dreams, and taking me on those spontaneous trips to Officeworks, Typo, other stationary shops, and the library and bookshop. I know you're wondering the same thing as me: how did we create a writer? But honestly, I love you guys so much, thank you for everything you've ever done.

My younger sister deserves a shoutout too. Thanks for all the times you've let me rattle off descriptions, asking your opinion on names, and helping me re-enact scenes from many of my (failed) attempts at writing. Also, I promise to make up all that time lost for us playing your games!

My friends. You guys are incredible. I know I zone out and completely miss the point of conversations a lot of the time, but thank you for sticking by me. You guys know who you are. I love you all!

To my best friend, you are amazing. Like seriously. I know we haven't talked as much over the past few years than previously, but you still mean so much to me! Just know that I'm always here for you.

My classmates, actually scrap that, anyone who has attended my schools and other places I've worked or trained. You have all helped inspire characters, not just in this book, but in all of my novels! And a shoutout to my current year level: you guys rock.

Any company who has helped me along the way (so supplied my pens, paper, notebooks, even my computer), THANK YOU! I wouldn't be a writer without your support. Well, yes, I do have to buy your supplies, but still, they've helped!

To my readers, well, if you've made it this far, you definitely deserve a thank you! And a surprise, so here's a gift. But really, thank you. Seeing I've had views makes my day, as I feel like 'someone actually likes my writing! EEEEEEEEEEEE!' I think my writing sucks, so support really helps me to boost my confidence and write more.

My teachers, who have encouraged me to write more and have given me criticism, it means so much. I can't say thank you enough, but I will try: thank you, thank you, thank you...

And finally, my own special boy. He knows who he is, and I can bet you has read this and smiled. You make my world a brighter place, darling. I can't believe you fell for the nerdy writer, like, why? I'm so glad you did, though (I'M NOT COMPLAINING I SWEAR). I really am sorry for leading you on the path that I'm killing Harvey, and I'm sorry for killing Brendon, and I'm sorry for suddenly disappearing or grinning with new plot ideas in the middle of our conversations. I love you to bits.

To anyone who was affected by the White Island Eruption, or any volcanic eruption at all, I pay my respects once more. I am so deeply sorry if it has caused you pain, or if this novel has in any way.

I think that's all, so thanks again, readers! You have made my book a better place! And don't worry, there's more on the way...



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