chapter two

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Third Person POV:

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Third Person POV:

When War entered the guest room, Mean immediately called his brother's husband. A few minutes later, Yin answered.


"IF YOU DON'T FIX WHAT YOU DID TO HIM, YOU KNOW ME, YIN. I CAN ERASE YOU FROM WAR'S LIFE!" Plan tried to calm his husband, knowing what he was capable of. Mean could indeed erase Yin from War's life, and Yin felt guilty about his actions.

"I'm sorry, P'Mean. Yes, I will fix it," Yin said.

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to my brother. Good, if we understand each other. You know me so well," Mean replied.

"Yes, P'Mean, I will fix this."

"Just come here tomorrow, not tonight. He is resting now," Mean said.

"Thank you," Yin said.

"Bye," Mean said, ending the call.

He saw how hurt his husband looked and felt nervous.

"Why did you scare him?" Plan asked.

"To teach him a lesson! Oh my god, I'm sorry, love. I was just worried about my brother," Mean said, pouting.

"I understand, but you didn't have to scare him. Let him realize his mistake," Plan said.

"I'm sorry, na, love. Can I hug you?" Mean asked. Plan smiled and nodded.

Mean didn't hesitate and immediately hugged his husband.

"I love you so much, and I love our sons," Mean said.

"I love you too, and I love our sons so much too. You are like three treasures to me," Plan said.

The next day, War woke up early to spend time with and play with his nephew. He realized he had forgotten his phone at their house.

War's POV:

I forgot my phone, but that's okay. I'm downstairs with P'Mean and P'Plan, helping them cook. P'Plan is so skilled at cooking, and it's no wonder why my brother loves him so much.

"So, how did you sleep?" P'Plan asked me.

"Really well. So, how was your night with P'Mean?" I teased them both.

"Hey, stop it, War!"

"But seriously, P'Mean and P'Plan, I want to have children like Perth and Jackie. They are so cute."

"You want to have children?" P'Plan asked.

"Yeah, I want that so badly, but Yin isn't ready to have children, so we haven't discussed it. But I already have names in mind for our future sons. I'd like to name them Nat or maybe Third," I said.

P'Plan was about to respond when—

"MOMMY! DADDY! UNCLE WAR!" Perth shouted.

I recognized that voice.

We turned around and saw Perth running towards me, eager to give me a hug.

"I missed you, Uncle War," Perth said.

"I missed you too. I'm sorry I didn't visit you last time, but I was busy," I said, brushing his hair.

"It's okay, Uncle War. By the way, where's Uncle Yin? He's not with you?" Perth asked.

I tried not to lose my smile.

"Hey, baby, stop asking him. Yin isn't with him," P'Mean said.

"Oh, okay, Daddy," Perth said, holding my hand and pulling me towards the garden.

"Uncle War, I want to play with you!" he exclaimed. I smiled at him.

"Yeah, me too. I want to play with you too," I said.

Third Person POV:

War was happily playing with his nephew while P'Plan and P'Mean prepared the meal in the kitchen. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"I'll be the one to open it. Watch our cooking," P'Plan said.

"What if it burns? I'll just watch?" Mean responded.

"Are you an idiot?"

"Just kidding, hehe," Mean said.

Ignoring his husband, P'Plan walked to open the door. He was a bit surprised when he saw Yin standing there.

"Aw, N'Yin, come in, come in," P'Plan said, and Yin wai'd to him, and P'Plan wai'd back.

"LOVE, WHO IS THAT?!" Mean shouted from the kitchen.

"N'YIN, LOVE!" P'Plan shouted back.

Mean hurriedly came out of the kitchen upon hearing his husband's response. P'Plan bid farewell and returned to the kitchen.

"Sawadee krub, Phi," Yin greeted.

"Sawadee," Mean replied.

"So, are you here to talk, War?" Mean asked, knowing why Yin had come to their house.

"Yes, I want to talk to him," Yin said.

"He's in the garden playing with Perth," Mean said, hoping Yin would talk to War.

"I will talk to him now. Thank you, Phi," Yin said. Mean smiled and nodded.

Yin wai'd first before heading to the garden.

War's POV:

I was enjoying playing with Perth.

"Baby," I thought Perth was being called and didn't look back.

"Baby," the voice called again.

"Uncle War, Uncle Yin is calling you," Perth whispered to me. What did he say? Yin?

"What did you say?" I asked again.

"Uncle Yin is calling you. Look behind you," Perth said.

I was in shock. Why was he here?

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I just want to apologize to you. I'm sorry," Yin said.

"Oops, wait. I will go inside first," Perth said, smiling at me and nodding.

"Baby, I just want to apologize for what I did to you. I'm sorry," Yin said. I felt incredibly fragile in front of him. I couldn't resist.

"No, it's okay. I also want to apologize to you for shouting at you last night," I said.

"Please, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for forgetting our anniversary," he said.

"It's okay," I said, and he immediately hugged me.

I missed his hugs, his presence, his scent.

I hugged him back.

"Can we still celebrate our anniversary today?" he asked.

"Yes, baby, I missed you so much," I replied.

"I'll make it up to you," he said, and I smiled, slightly moving away from him.

"Promise," I said.

"I promise," he said.

"You can stop now. Let's go eat. Perth is very hungry," P'Mean said, appearing at the garden's entrance.

I smiled at Yin and nodded. He took my hand, and we walked to the kitchen together.

I missed him so much.

[ A/N ]
❀ Proofreading & Editing by Julie_ProofEdit

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