chaptee twenty one

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"Stay away from me but I will not take nat away from you"


they just left gulf, then until now yin is still sleeping but gulf said, yin is okay so he hasn't woken up yet because he is so tired so he slept for a long time

I have plan right now to tell him if he woke up, nat is also his son

what nat said earlier I was silent, because even if yin did that to me, I don't want to be angry with him our son, so when I told nat and third I will explain why.

Third and not is so smart, so I know they will understand we will say, but I do not want them to be angry with yin

I can forgive yin but not now, it is so hard

I was not mad with him I was just hurt, and I lost trust in him

I have another fear what if he has entered our son's life, then suddenly he will do what he did to me again, I do not want to hurt our son

"Ma why did uncle yin sweep swo long?" Nat asked

"Have you been asking that before?" Third said

"I'm just askwing pwhii" nat said and he pout

"Stop, let's go out first, will we cook for your uncle yin?" I said and they smiled and nodded

nat got off the bed and he go to our place, i hold their hands

"Just be quiet so we can wake up your uncle yin" I whisper to them, and me and third want laugh hard because nat is so cute he put his hand in his mouth, and closed his eyes

"Open your eyes, how can you walk if your eyes is close?" Third said, and he open his eyes but he did not remove his hand from his mouth

we walked slowly out, making no noise.

We went downstairs and went straight to the kitchen.

"You two just sit there just watch me" I said to them

"Ma why did uncle yin sweep swo long? Is hwe okay?" He asked again, i can't stop smiling to his cuteness

"Oiii, you asked again" third said with frustrated voice but he can't mad to his brother.

"Phwii i'm jwust worried you know?" Nat said and he pouted again

"I will repeat uncle gulf said, uncle yin is okay so that's why he still sleeping because he is very tired from his work, so don't worry nat, he will woke up later" Third said, and nat nodded

"So I can cook now?" I asked, they smiled and nodded

I was already cooking while they watched me, after I cooked, I set the table and third helped me

"Just wait there i will call your uncle yin" i said

"Okie dokie" Nat said

I went upstairs and went straight to my room where yin was sleeping

"Yin" i called him

"Yin woke up" once again, and i tapped his face gently

"Yin woke up, you need to eat and take medicine" i said

"Hmmm" he hummed softly

"Yin! You need to eat and take medicine and I need talk to you right now" i said, he slowly opened his eyes

"What did you say?" He asked

"I need talk to you right now about nat, not about us" i said and he get up immediately

"What about nat?"

"the one you asked me when we first met again, remembered that" I said and he nodded

"Because.......nat is also your son" i said and i bent down


"Nat is also your son" i repeat again. he did not answer but I heard someone sobbing, i know he is

So i raised my head, he is crying

"I knew it, when you left the house you were pregnant with nat?" He asked and still crying.

"Yeah that day i found out i was pregnant with nat, and also that day i met third in orphanage" i said

"Why did you not tell me that day?" He asked and i smiled bitterly because to what is his asking, before i answer

"You don't remember, before that happened you left me at the night market for proy right? that you promised not to leave me, but you leave me crying, also according to you really want me to divorce you, how dare you to asked why did i tell to you that day, what do you want your son to make us stupid, all i want now yin is stay away from me but I will not take nat away from you" i said and hold my tears

"W-war i'm sorry" he said cryingly

"Stop now yin, do you understand what i saying stay away from me but i will not take natt away from you, brush your teeth now, third and nat waiting to us in the kitchen, there is a new toothbrush in the cr " i said and he nodded

"I will go now, we will waiting you at the kitchen" i said and he nodded again, i smiled and go out to the room


He left the room, too much what if in my brain now, what if I didn't do that to him? are we happy now? what if I didn't cheat on him? Can I see when my child grows up? I can take care of them, what if I didn't hurt war too much, it wouldn't be so hard on his heart

I'm sorry war, i can't do it what you want, i'm sorry, I need you three in my life

I wiped my tears, and go up to the bed, my head is still hurt and I went to the cr and brushed my teeth and after that i went to downstair and go to straight in kitchen

When i enter the kitchen

"WaaaaAaaaaah uncle yin" nat shouted and ran to my place and hug my legs, he is small, i kneel down, i can match to him

"Why baby" i said

"I'm swo swo worried two you" nat said and he pout

"Yeah uncle yin, i'm worried too but he always repeat to asked if why are you still sleeping and if you are okay" third said and war stared me and nat

"Awww, I'm okay now baby nat" i said and he hug me so i hug him back, I can no longer wait for them to call me daddy


So yeah war tell him now? So what is yin plan now? Sksksksksksksksks and what is your thought at this updates?

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