Chapter One

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I remember the first time I felt it. I was 11 years old. I remember it was as normal of a day as any other. Sun shining. Birds singing. We had just gotten home from Diagon Alley after shopping all day for my school supplies for my first year of attending Hogwarts.

I grew up in a simple muggle home as they call it. I had never practiced magic or even imagined magic was even real. So you could imagine how shocking it was to receive a letter from a man named Albus Dumbledore to attend Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

My mother was proud. Telling me I would do amazing things. My father not so much. He started acting different as soon as we received the letter. He hated the idea of me being a witch. Or he was scared of me. I'm not quite sure.

I was packing my things into my suitcase when my mother came in to see if I needed any help. She double checked to make sure I had everything I needed and gave me a kiss on my forehead before walking out. That's when I felt it.

I didn't know quite how to explain it back then. I thought it was just nerves or something. Upset stomach. But now I know what it was I felt. Death.
It wasn't until later that night, when I heard screaming and a green flash of light, that I realized that bad feeling I had felt. I knew something had happened to my mother.

I ran through the house, dreading what I was bound to find. I made it to the front door and there she was. She was bleeding. Lying motionless on the floor in front of me. There was a man holding a wand at the door. He took one look at me and disapparated into the night. Not a single thought about the lives he had just destroyed.

I ran to my mothers side, grabbing her hand, and crying, begging her to wake up. My father came running into the room, dropping next to me and her body. I couldn't even begin to describe the scream that had left his body when he pulled her into his arms. It still haunts me to this day.

I was so distraught seeing my mother lying there. I looked to my father and told him about what happened earlier. That when mother had kissed me earlier, I had a bad feeling. I mentioned the man and the flash of green light, He said it was my fault she's dead. That was the first time I ever experienced getting my heartbroken. Can you imagine? Losing your mother and father all in one night?

The next day, he dropped me off at Kings Cross Station without ever saying a word. No goodbye. Nothing. It was as if I had died that night too to him.

After I had made it to the school, was sorted into my new house, Ravenclaw, and got situated, I started writing letters to my father. Trying to understand what happened and why he was texting reacting this way towards me.

It wasn't until a month later of sending him a letter every day, that I finally received a letter back, telling me to never write him again, and to not bother ever coming home.

It took a while to come to terms with the fact he blamed me for my mother's death and that I didn't have a home to go to.

I was rounding a corner in the hall on my way to potions, when I bumped into another first year, Harry Potter. As we both reached down to pick up the same book, our hands touched. And I felt it. Not dread or that feeling of death like when I touched my mother, but the feeling of power.

I knew he was the boy who lived and he was the reason for you-know-who being gone. But to understand the kind of power and strength it took to destroy him? And for him to not even remember any bit of it, considering he was a baby and all.

He face turned red seeing our hands touching, and pulled his hand away quickly. He apologized for bumping into me, and was on his way. A red head right on his heels, laughing at his embarrassment. I quietly laugh at the two as they start shoving each other still continuing down the hall.

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