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As a reward for hitting 13 thousand reads (thank you all SO much) I'm gonna post this a little early, I hope u like it ^^
This is pretty self explanatory so imma get right to it.

Q1. What inspired me to write this book?
Back about a year ago I got the idea that the mix of ouran and haikyuu would be an amazing thing to read. I tried looking up a book here on Wattpad and Archive of our own but found absolutely nothing, so I decided to write one myself. I didn't plan for people to actually like it and reading over it now honestly makes me cringe at how bad it is lol, but! As long as others find joy in it, what's the harm in writing?

Q2. Will there be more Ouran characters in the book?
At the moment I'm aware there isn't much happening with that side of the crossover, however I do have a plan to get them all in close proximity together and see the chaos unfold

Q3. Will there be a love interest from Ouran towards (y/n)?
Let's just say that there has been a few thoughts of that happening that have crossed my mind :3

Q4. When will Suga confess?
Within the chapters 1 and 100000 probably
Nah, but for real, it's in the plan for sometime soon. I just need to be happy with it before it all gets published.

Q5. Does writer-san play volleyball?
I'm not actually on a team because the nearest one is too far away from my home and I can't get there on the days they train. BUT, I do play a little at school when I can and I have a few friends that also play. In other words, I know enough xD

Q6. Do you plan on writing any other books?
I would like to eventually write a few more books, but I'm lacking a lot of motivation at the moment (if you hadn't noticed I'd be shocked)

Q7. dO pEoPLe LiKe yOuR bOoK???
I think so but all the silent readers make me sad, please comment. My anxious ass needs feedback and reassurance lol

Also, the chapter picture is one of the cover ideas that AGONYZONE made for me waaayyyyyy back when this started last year
I think it's dope ngl.

Question for you all!
Do you remember what pink pixi carnations mean?

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