-Don't Tell Them-

858 36 83

(Y/n)'s POV

I sat there as thought after thought crashed onto me like a rollercoaster. Usually roller coasters are cool and enjoyable, but...this right now...is not my case.

You are just a loser!

'I know...'

Keep it to yourself!

'I will...'

Memory after memory....word after word...every whisper I heard...everything hit hard.

Don't be selfish!

'I'm not'


'I know I am...'

My fists tightened and my knuckles began to turn white from the force I was putting in that simple action. Drops of water fell on my clothes leaving a wet stain wherever they landed. A smile formed on my face as my lips trembled. Eyebrows twitching as those words felt like venom.




'You lied to me..'

Be quiet!

" Why..."



I got on my knees as my hands runned nervously through my (h/c) hair.


Everything was quiet...my eyes were wide open as those words came out of my mouth. Just at that moment I realized my cheeks were wet. My right hand reached to touch the substance. As I realized they were tears I quickly wiped them away and tried to get my shit together.

"Calm down (Y/n)...you are not in the right place to have a break down. You are a strong girl, you can do it!"

I released a breath as I opened my eyes. My hand reaches my throat as I gulp.

I did scream pretty loud after all.

'Hope they didn't hear me...'

It wouldn't exactly be a very good first impression y'know.

I cross my legs and calm myself down since I'm still a little bit startled about my breakdown. 'Gosh dang it...I need to distract myself' Suddenly an idea pops on my mind as my hands form fists of excitement. 'MY PHONE!! I CAN ENTERTAIN MYSELF WITH IT!' I jolt up with stars on my eyes at the thought of watching Vines or (favourite youtuber name).

My eyes scan the room, searching for my backpack, only to realize...It wasn't anywhere to be seen. My face contorts in confusion till I get hit by a sudden wave of realization.

"Of course...they probably have it..." I begin to sulk in the corner as I have brought my hopes up for nothing.


"Really, what were you expecting (Y/n)?" My back hits the wall behind me as I bring my knees to my chest.

I use this moment to do a quick summary of what happened a while ago. 'I really did lose my shit back there' I lift my head and look at the ceiling 'It's been a while since I had a breakdown because of...that...' I blink as I space out. 'It was just like last time...I had it because someone screamed at me...' I still am watching the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. 'It doesn't help the fact that I was being yelled by my own fucking country' I look at my feet as they get more interesting

-Meet Again-Countryhumans/Countryballs x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें