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....Can we...can we just talk about this...?  Most of you know what this flag is about...some of you don't. This flag...is for fucking....PEDOPHILES. I was recently mentioned by :


On a book that talked about the subject, it's called: "Important!!!" by: @1-800-patrick check it out for  more detailed information.

This is just...disgusting in so MANY ways. I'll explain in short whats happening:

This type of Disgusting human beings are trying to be part of the LGBT comunity, they want to normalize Pedophilia and transform it in a type of sexuality, they  call it being Pedosexual. They even arrived to the point of using the LGBT foundation Logo and website to try and "normalize" this "sexuality".

"It isn't harmfull if they enjoy it"

"Love is love"

"Children can learn to enjoy sex with an older partner if they experience it with consent"



"Love is Love" they say. Ummm... what type of love? because from what I know children and teens love is NOT like mature love. Kids experience crushes,  and the only love they experience for adults is certanly NOT a romantic type of love. This "Love is Love" Excuse is not even close to the real purpose of the "Pedosexuality". Let's be honest here. Pedophiles do NOT love in a romantic way children... they only have a Disgusting and erotic desire of fucking a child. The only purpose of Pedophiles is to have SEX WITH CHILDREN. THIS IS NOT OK!!!! A CHILD DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A MATURE ENOUGH MIND TO SAY YES TO THIS KIND OF THINGS! IT'S LIKE RAPE! THE EXCUSE THAT THEY USE IS "She/He clearly asked for it" NO!!! NOBODY  WILL EVER ASK FOR IT LIKE THIS, IF THEY WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH SOME STRANGER THEY WILL ASK MONEY FOR IT.


This is just...not ok... as a teeneger that could be victim of this type of things... like every other child or teen...I say NO to this type of behaviour. Educate/inform your friends and loved ones about this, spread awarness about this topic.


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