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Photo by Vital Sinkevich on Unsplash 

Once I am all cleaned, I meet Leo outside my tent. He practically skips beside me to the forest. I have to hold back laughter, knowing full well it doesn't sound mascline. Then again, what really defines a female or male? High pitched voice? Clothes? I think not. We're all our own people.

"Andrew, you're s-l-o-w," Leo calls out.

I scoff. And I do what any sensible person would do. I run.

Leo yelps as I tackle him to the ground, laughing. Leo groans, rolling over the grass. "You're a bum, you know that?"

I snicker, get up, and skip away. I can hear him grunting things behind me, and let out a breathy laugh. I didn't expect to make friends upon coming here. It's a nice surprise.

"So, what dance moves are you gonna pull out this time?" I ask Leo, remembering back to his random dancing during training.

Leo kicks a pebble once he's beside me again. "Might pull a muscle or two, but I have a few in mind."

"That's sad."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asks, trying to act offended.

I laugh, "You might pull a muscle? From dancing. Not professional dancing, but party dancing."

"I dance hard, okay? Also, I'm sore - cause in case you forgot, we've been training out butts off."

I did not forget, and my mind shifts to the realization I had the other day. I feel so much stronger than I did before. My muscles are visible, and I can move fluidly now.

"The forest is looking dark for a party," I mutter, watching the slew of trees we approach.

My steps slow. Leo says, "If the guy was just messing with us, we can go back to where it's originally being held."

I doubt Leo and I would be attacked as we're literally in an army base, and I trust our skillset. But my old instincts of being a girl and alone at night kick in. I slow even more.

"Andrew, come on," Leo encourages. "Slowpoke."

It's not long before trees surround us, towering and unbudging in their own stubbornness. In the buzzing silence, I turn to Leo. I wonder if he fears the days to come, the war milling around us, for the slap of reality.

"Stop staring at me Perch," Leo says.

I roll back my shoulders, and ask, "How do you feel about leaving tomorrow?"

I hear his breathing hitch a little, the only sign of his feelings with the events to come. "Fine."

I practically roll my eyes. "Oh, come on. Don't give me that, we're about to go to war!"

The branches brush against one another above. Dirt, rocks, and sticks crunch under our hard soles. And Leo's breathing is becoming more apparent, the sign of someone who bottles up their true emotions.

He looks at me.

"I..." He pauses. "I'm scared. Really freaking scared."

I hold his stare. "That fear will keep you awake and alive in battle. And we are all around you, to support one another. We'll that fear together, okay?"

"Every time, you two end up besties," I hear a voice mutter.

Leo and I whip our heads around, gasping in shock. Barns, the guy from earlier, stands there in a little clearing - moonlight casting down upon his features. He smiles, warmly, but it doesn't reach his eyes - strained somehow.

"You said the party was moved to here," Leo says, positioning himself a bit in front of me.

Barns nods slowly, "I did, but it appears I meant the Big Tent." He suddenly snaps his fingers, and all I can do is gasp as Leo disappears.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I cry out.

Barns actually has the audacity to look hurt by my outburst, as if he knows me. Prick. And when he doesn't answer, I say slowly, taking careful steps toward him.

"What. Did. You. Do."

"He is at the party, all safe and sound. And don't worry, he remembers your conversation, but thinks it was on the way to the Big Tent. You left to drink some water." He rolls his eyes, "I've got things covered, Annabeth."

I stumble back. "How do you know my name?"

"That's irrelevant right now." He waves it aside.

"I could be e-x-e-c-u-t-e-d if I am caught! SO YES, IT IS RELEVANT!" I whisper-shout.

Barns pinches the bridge of his nose. "Okay. I first met you on a mission. You slammed me against a metal railing, reunited me with my sister, and changed my life. But something else was happening, something Cruz left to damage you in every way, every life."

"What? Who the heck is Cruz?" I splutter.

"Exactly why I'm saying it's not relevant right now. There is too much to explain. Right now, I just need you to continue blending in - "

"No, duh."

" - and when you reach the mountains for the battle, there is a place you must go first. At night."

"Uhmmm. No."

Barns blinks. "I know it sounds crazy, especially since you don't think you know me, but - "

"No, I don't know you," I say angrily.

He takes a step closer. I take a step back.

Barns sighs, "Just. Just think about it."

I turn around and leave, not confirming nor denying. 

Little early posting today. 

Have a great day/night wherever you are! - The Fangirl 

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