Chapter 5: Can't Fight The Feeling Anymore

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Lana and Lola quietly snuck out of their rooms and tip-toed their way to Lori's room. Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lucy, and Lisa were already inside Lori's room to take part of a secret meeting, and they hoped that neither Lincoln nor Lynn would catch them. From what Lori wrote on her note, the meeting must be really important. What they did not understand was why Lincoln and Lynn were the only two who were not invited to the meeting. Well, whatever the reason, everything will be fully explained by the eldest.

"Lana, you're tip-toeing too loud. Lincoln and Lynn could hear you."

"I'm trying my best, Lola. The floor creaks too much." Lori's door slowly opened and out popped Luan's head. Luan silently beckoned the twins to get inside immediately. Shrugging off the creaking floor, Lana and Lola bolted right into Lori's room, followed by Lori's door slamming shut. Lincoln and Lynn opened their doors to see what the commotion was all about. When they saw each other, they immediately broke eye-contact and felt their faces blush.

"Uh... Hey, Lynn. So, how are things?" Lincoln said quietly, nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Well... nothing much going on. School, sports, those sorts of things," Lynn said, looking down and twirling her toes on the floor.

"Okay, that's... that's cool. Okay. Later, Lynn."

"Later, Lincoln." Both of the teens went back into their rooms and closed their doors. The anime fanboy and the sports fanatic leaned their backs on their doors and tried their best to fight their carnal urges for each other.

Meanwhile in Lori's room, the eight sisters were having a discussion about their two siblings: Lincoln and Lynn. Lori began the meeting as soon as Lana and Lola entered the room with the others.

"Okay, girls. Listen up. As you all know, Lincoln and Lynn have been acting really, REALLY weird lately. For over three weeks now, neither Lincoln nor Lynn have been speaking to each other. I don't understand what's up with those two. They won't even make any eye contact with each other." All the other girls nodded their heads to Lori's words.

"Do you think those two got into some sort of a fight?" Leni asked.

"Highly unikely, Leni. If they really did get into a fight of some sort, there'd be some serious confrontation between the two, which I clearly see no sign of in any way. I sense no hostility between Lincoln and Lynn," Lisa said.

"Maybe they did something to each other that was very embarrassing, that could be it. Maybe Lincoln caught Lynn naked in her room or maybe Lynn caught Lincoln masturba-"

"LUAN!" all the girls shouted. Luan blushed and laughed a little.

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