Chapter 9: Calm Before The Storm

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Lynn Loud was walking down the hallways of her school with her friends, Stacy and Amber. Like Lynn, the two girls were total sports fanatics that love to push their bodies to the limits. Of all the sports they played, nothing fired up their blood more than roller derby. While Lynn and her friends were walking to their next class, she remembered how she and her friends worked hard to increase the security of the Loud House alongside Lori's boyfriend and security guard, Bobby. Giving Bobby a good hurt was only an icing on the cake compared to how they really REALLY played on the roller-rink. In a way, hurting their opponents and watching them drop like flies made them feel really good inside.

What made Lynn feel even better was when she and Lincoln skated together back at the park. She blushed lightly when she remembered how she fell on top of Lincoln and knocked the wind out of Lincoln and herself when she tried to help him up.

"Hey, Lynn. Why are you blushing?" Stacy asked. Amber giggled a little.

"I think she's thinking about a boy. Am I right, Lynn?" Amber asked. Lynn looked away and blushed even deeper.

"... No, of course not. I wasn't thinking of anything like that," Lynn said. The very thought of Lincoln wearing only his underwear while reading a comic book made her heat up even more.

"Come on, Lynn! Give us the dirt! Who's the boy? What's his name?" Stacy asked. Lynn's eyes widen in shock. "It-it's nothing like that! I-I'm not seeing anyone!" Lynn retorted quickly.

"You're not? Why not, Lynn? You're smart, you're beautiful: I don't see any reason why you wouldn't have a boyfriend right now. The Masquerade Ball is coming up this Friday, and you still haven't been asked by any of the boys!" Stacy said.

"Why would that be a big deal to me?" Lynn asked.

"Legend has it that when a boy and a girl go out to the Masquerade Ball, they become soulmates. When they dance together at the ball, their very souls are linked together for life, and they'll love one another to the very end of their days," Amber said dreamily. Stacy and Amber let out a dreamy sigh, picturing themselves with Mr. Right at the upcoming Masquerade Ball. Lynn looked as if she was about barf.

"That doesn't sound romantic at all. That sounds more like a prison-sentence," Lynn said.

"You can't be serious, Lynn! This could be your last chance to find that special someone! Aren't you worried that you'll never get to meet that special guy if you don't go to the Masquerade Ball?" Stacy asked.

"To me honest with you, I think you should ask Cody Markus to the ball! He's like the hottest dreamboat in all of Royal Woods Junior High!" Amber said.

"Oh, come on, girls. There's no way in hell I'd ever ask that Neanderthal to the dance. Why the hell would I ask him to-" Suddenly, a thought came to Lynn's mind.

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