Chapter 25: It's For The Best

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:: Ten years and 9 months ago::

Little Lincoln cried his lungs out while Lori and Leni did their best to comfort him. The one-year-old boy stood on his feet as he wailed away in the living room. Lori, age 7, did her best to cheer up her little brother by encouraging him to play with his toy-plane while six-year-old Leni tried to cheer him up with making up goofy faces. Neither of Lincoln's older sisters were making any leeway.

"Aw man. We tried everything to cheer him up, and he's still crying. Why does it have to be difficult?" Lori said.

"Oh, it can't be that hard, Lori. Here, let me give it another shot. Oh, Linky! Look at Leni's silly face! AAAABOOGABOOGABOOGA!" The one-year-old baby saw Leni's silly face, seeing her completely cross-eyed and sticking her tongue out to the right. Lincoln responded with another enormous cry, so enormous that it hit Leni like a menacing typhoon, causing Leni's hair to fly back from Lincoln's enormous cry. Leni shook the stars away when they danced around her head.

"Wow. Our baby brother sure does have powerful vocal cords," Leni said. Lori picked up her baby brother and held him gently, hoping that dancing around a little and humming a nursery song would cheer him up, but judging from his crying, she wasn't doing much of a good job. While Lori and Leni continued to try to make their little brother stop crying, three-year-old Lynn came downstairs from her room and carried with her a nice soccer ball. The little jock approached her older siblings.

"Lori. Leni. We play?" Lynn asked innocently, showing them the soccer ball.

"Not now, Lynn. We're trying to make Lincoln stop crying." Lori said.

"Why don't you ask Luna to play with you instead?" Leni asked. Lynn looked down, wearing a face of disappointment.

"Luna not want to play. Luna always by herself. Wish Luna come out of room more often," Lynn said. When she saw her baby brother in the arms of her eldest sister, Lynn smiled and offered the soccer ball to Lincoln.

"Lincoln! You want to play?" When Lincoln looked at Lynn, the baby boy shyly hid his face from her, crying lightly and holding on tight to his eldest sister.

"Why Lincoln crying?" Lynn asked.

"We're not sure why he's crying, Lynn. It just happened out of the blue," Leni said.

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