Chapter 8: Little Ms Juggles Makes Her Move

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Lincoln and Lynn took a walk down the beautiful park, enjoying the scenery and taking in the radiant sun. Seeing people being around their loved ones, whether it's their families or their boyfriends and girlfriends, made their day even better. However, no matter how lovely and beautiful the day turned out or how wonderful the park was, nothing made their day more wonderful than being with each other. Feeling their hearts beating with joy, Lincoln and Lynn held hands and smiled when they looked into each other's eyes. Since nobody really knew the Louds at the park, Lincoln and Lynn felt it was okay to show their affections for each other just a little bit. Not too obvious, however.

"It's such a beautiful day, Lynn. What do you feel like doing today?"

"Let's head to the roller-skating rink. I want to teach you some killer-moves I picked up from my roller derby teammates!"

"Sounds pretty cool! Come on, let's go! Whoever gets there last is a rotten egg!"

"You're on, Lincoln!" Lincoln and Lynn started sprinting towards the roller-skating rink, which wasn't too far from where they are. Just when they were halfway there, Lincoln saw something peculiar peeking out of the bushes. Lincoln stopped at his tracks and stared at the bushes strangely. Lynn had to do a 180 and run back to her love.

"Hey, what's wrong, Lincoln? Why did you stop running? We were dead-even at the race."

"There was something in the bushes, Lynn. For a moment, I thought I saw a pair of... binoculars." "Eh, it could be just your imagination. Come on, Lincoln! Let's go!"

"Yeah, you're probably right. Let's get going!" Lincoln and Lynn continued to head to the rink. Soon after they headed off, Lori and Luan popped their heads out of the huge bush. Lori watched Lincoln and Lynn run off to the rink through her binoculars while Luan set her trusty video camera on their younger siblings.

"Phew. That was close. I thought Lincoln almost caught us."

"Lori, why can't you find your own bush to hide in? As a matter of fact, why bother tagging along with me? No offense, but I can do this by myself."

"I know, Luan. It's just that I want to make sure everything will go smoothly! I need to really confirm that what I suspect is true."

"And what do you suspect, Lori?"

"That Lincoln and Lynn have become a romantic item, that's what, Leni. W-wait. LENI?" Lori and Luan turned around in shock to see Leni right behind them, waving to them in a very innocent manner. Their hearts were beating from Leni's surprise appearance since she didn't make a sound. Perhaps hanging around with Lucy taught Leni a thing or two about the art of stealth.

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