Chapter 26: Complete The Circle

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Lola Loud dressed up like a queen and was pretending to prepare a story for her princess, which was really a beautiful doll nicely tucked in her own bed. Sometimes, she wasn't in the mood to read to her dolly an actual book so she decided to make up a story of her own. Lola was thankful that Lana was downstairs and doing her own thing instead of ruining her personal roleplay. Lola opened her book and started reading to her "princess" her own story.

"Once upon a time, in the beautiful land of Mercedes-Benz, King Lynnicus and Queen Ritalia conceived a beautiful princess named Lola, and she was the most beautiful princess in the entire kingdom. All her older and younger sisters were nowhere close to being as beautiful as she was, and the meanest and ugliest of all her sisters hated her with all her heart and soul. Her name... was LORI.

"Hungry for the throne, Princess Lori killed her parents with her father's own sword and then poisoned all her younger sisters. The only sister Princess Lori spared was Princess Lola. Laughing in a very evil way, the now-Queen Lori threw Princess Lola into the dungeon, saying that instead of killing her she wanted Lola to suffer for the rest of her life until she grew old and weak. Her jealousy towards Lola's incredible beauty and her hunger for power threw the entire kingdom into darkness and despair. And Princess Lola was left all alone in the dungeon to rot away.

"However, there was still a glimmer of hope that shined through the darkness. Coming from a land unknown, a mighty knight in green armor arrived at the castle and vowed to end the reign of the diabolical Queen Lori. When the green knight showed up on his magnificent horse to challenge the might of the queen, Lori laughed at the knight, thinking that her dark army would crush him like bug. The green knight proved the evil queen wrong. DEAD WRONG.

"After slaughtering thousands of soldiers outside the castle with his mighty sword and shield, the green knight and his powerful steed crashed through the castle-wall like it was nothing but a stack of Lego-blocks. The defenders and the royal guards of Queen Lori did all they could to fight off the mighty warrior, but the green knight decimated them all and turned them into nothing but a huge heap of scrap-metal.

"Finally, the green knight got off his horse and smashed the main gates to the throne room with his own fist and turned it into nothing but a bunch of toothpicks. The evil queen got up from her throne and drew out her sword, the very sword she used to kill her own parents. The knight and the queen clashed in battle! The duel was long and hard, but the green knight proved to be the mightier. After he smashed his shield into Queen Lori's ugly face, the green knight thrusted his sword right through her stomach and right out of her very back! Lori lost so much blood that it spilled all over the floor like all the spaghetti sauce Luan accidentally spilled when helping dad cook dinner last week. Yick, it was like all gross and sticky and slimy and stuff. The green knight smashed his fist into the queen's body, grabbed the dying queen's beating heart and crushed it like tomato, ending the evil monster's very life.

"After killing the queen, the green knight found something wrapped around the neck of the now-dead queen. It was a key. To what, he wasn't sure. Suddenly, he heard a scream from below. The green knight rushed downstairs to see where the scream was coming from. When he got to the dungeon, he saw who was by far the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on locked in her own cell. The knight used the key and unlocked the door to the dungeon- cell, but steel-bars slammed down where the door was opened. Unwilling to give up on his prize, the knight grabbed the steel-bars and ripped them apart! Wow, that knight had some serious muscles! Happy that her knight in shining armor saved her, Princess Lola jumped out of her own dungeon-cell and landed into the very arms of her savior.

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