Chapter 3

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I am sweating, my heart is pumping, my lungs burnt and I was loving every second. I am the best on this cheer squad and everyone knew it too. This was my passion and I loved it. We ran through the routine once again and we finally finished. I followed the girls into the locker room and showered, got changed and exited the gym with a smile on my face. I pulled out my phone and I had a text from Jake.
"Sorry babe my tires got slashed after school. I had to get my car towed but ill ring you tonight okay? Xx"
I sighed and pushed my phone into my back pocket. Perfect, now I've to walk 2 miles just to get home. No way in hell am I getting the bus. I looked up to see Lauren leaning against her motorbike, helmet in one hand and cigarette in the other with her headphones in. She hasn't noticed me yet so I took a moment to take her appearance in. I can't believe I hadn't noticed how beautiful she is, it's crazy. Her hair and her eyes, and it's obvious she works out. She wears very little make up but she doesn't even need it. Her clothes are so contrastable to her persona, or at least the one I saw today. I'm still extremely confused over that little incidence in the hallway. Why did I not push her away or at least say something? I literally couldn't get her out of my mind all day. She used to be a constant thought in my mind because of how much I hated her, but now it's because I'm so damn confused. I snap out of my thoughts when she notices me, and walks over.
"Hey beautiful," she says while running her hand through her hair. "You ready to go?"
"Wait what are you doing here?" I say.
"Well, I told you I'd pick you up, so here I am," she smirked. "And am I not allowed pick up my girl from practice?"
"I am not your girl, Lauren," I said sternly.
"Not yet squirt," she winks and hands me the helmet. "C'mon we're going to be late," she says before walking away of me towards her bike.
"Late for what? And who says I'm going with you?" I huffed while I ran after her.
"Baby you need to calm down," she gave me a lopsided smile and it all made sense to me.
"YOU SLASHED JAKES TIRES," I screamed and she threw her head back and laughed. God her laugh was beautiful. It bubbled out of her and hit my senses like fireworks.
"Well if you get in the way of something I want, you're going to get hurt," she spoke while her eyes bore into mine. God this is ridiculous, she's probably on some kind of medication or cocaine or something. Yesterday I wanted to kill her, I need to keep myself in check.
"You're completely insane!" I shrieked and she laughed harder. Before I could react she grabbed my waist and spun me around. I squealed and she continued to laugh. She let me down but didn't let my waist go. She put her forehead on mine and whispered, "You're very cute when you're mad Camz," not this again. Her damn eyes; I can't look away.
"No I don't-I'm not ok with this," I pushed her away but her smirk didn't fall from her face. "Stop touching me. Stop this-this stupid thing your doing. its harassment and i am not okay with it. I've got a boyfriend and I am straight and I don't need this in my life so if you could excuse me," with that I walked away as fast as I could in my heels. I hear her chuckle and start up her bike. I didn't look back, but all at once she drives up right in front of me in the middle of the car park and holds out the helmet for me.
"Baby c'mon get on the bike," she says.
"I wouldn't get on that thing if you paid me."
"Well I don't have much cash on me so what if I dare you?" She says back. "You're intolerable," I spat.
You're beautiful," she replied looking honest. I just watched her in shock. She wasn't going to give up, was she? I needed to get home someway, so I finally huffed and gave in. She chuckled and I took the helmet off her.
"If we crash I swear to god Lauren ill skin you alive," I scolded while getting on the back of the death trap.
"Don't worry, my love, I won't let anything happen to you, hold on tight," with that she started the bike and put it in motion. I screamed and grasped her waist, causing us to be flush against each other. I suddenly got very stiff and thanked god I had the helmet to hide the blush creeping over my face. My heart was racing and I wondered if she could feel it, I'm sure she could since I could feel the steady rhythm of her breathing. We had been driving for 20 minutes and I noticed we were over the other side of the city.
"LAUREN WHERE ARE YOU GOD DAMN TAKING ME," I screamed over the rawr of her bikes engine.
"Shh baby we're almost there," she said back and I was beyond pissed.
"DONT CALL ME THAT," I replied and held on tighter since she started to speed down the street. If my mother could only see me now. We pulled up into this little parking lot of a diner that looked like it was stuck in the 70's. she turned the bike off and I quickly got off as if someone scolded me.
"I'm never getting on that horrible thing again" I said stamping my foot. I looked at her taking her helmet off and running her hand through her hair, she was flawless. But I refused to let myself think that way anymore, she's a freak who I don't need in my life.
"I'm too tired to give you a piggy back all the way home, sorry," she smirked and walked towards me. She grabbed my hand and kissed it twice.
"Shall we, my love?" She said in a Indian accent and I couldn't hold back a snort that burst out of my lips.
Oh my god I just snorted in front of her. Her eyes lit up and she smiled, it wasn't one of her normal smirked but a huge face eating grin that was impossible not to return.
"C'mon," she said softly and I followed her. She held my hand until we got to the door, she ran ahead and opened it for me. I completely ignored her and walked by her, causing her to chuckle.
"CLAIREEEE MY LITTLE CHERRY BLOSSOM IM BACK," she shouted from behind me, causing me to jump. A middle aged woman behind the counter with dark skin and blue eyes turned to face us, smiling from ear to ear at the sight of Lauren. She walked towards us and threw her arms around Lauren, while I stood there trying to look like I wasn't uncomfortable
"C, this is the girl I've been telling you about, Camila. Camila, my love, this is Claire, my step sister" Lauren said introducing us. Claire stuck out her hand for me to take, which I did. She seemed lovely, the type of person who bakes you brownies just because you had a bad day or tells you silly jokes just to see you smile.
"Very nice to meet you Camila, Lauren never shuts up about you, you know? 'Oh Claire she's got the sexiest voice I've ever heard.' 'She smells like summer and her smile makes my tummy do flips shes so beauti-," she was cut off my Lauren coughing very loudly making me burst out laughing.
"Claire my little shit of a sister, can we have a table for two?" She said making Claire laugh too.
"Yes you can, come on then," she lead us to the back of the diner and sat us down in a small booth. I sat opposite Lauren who sat down after whispering something in Claires ear.
"I didn't agree to this," I said trying to sound angry, but I actually was curious how she'll handle this. And it's not like I had much else to do at home in an empty mansion.
"Even with a scowl on your face you're all I want to look at," she replies and I scoff. She's got an answer for everything doesn't she? Well two can play at that game.
"So is everything Claire said true?" It was my turn to smirk as she put her hand on the back of her neck and seemed the find the wall very interest at that moment.
"Well you know yeah, I didn't say it that bluntly but it's all very true," and spoke softly giving my chills, what is going on? "Anyway once you're mine I'll be able to tell you everyday," she continued still staring at the wall. My mouth hung open and a scoffed again.
"Lauren I don't think you understand. I'm straight, I've a boyfriend, I've got a higher IQ than what yours is doubled and I've been voted prom queen the past 4 years; now why in gods name would you ever think you'll get me?" I said folding my arms and leaning back into my seat. I had her attention now, didnt I.
"My IQ is 174, I've already got a scholarship to Yale and Princeton with the promise of housing and prepaid school materials, I worked 2 jobs last year while maintaining an A+ average in school to pay for my bike, clothes, and to contribute to Claire and I's rent on our house. I am also fluent in Spanish, German and French. I tutor 4 different kids on the weekends and I do 25 hours of community care work a week."
I literally couldn't close my mouth. Was she serious? What the actual fuck? She was perfect. If she was a boy and I brought her home to my parents my mother would be filing through bridal catalogues the minute she could. You wouldn't believe this little grungy looking girl sitting opposite me was so full of potential and goodness. She was something else, and I couldn't deny I was infatuated.
"Wha-wait why..when?" I stuttered out. "You're a stoner Lauren! You ride a motorbike! You wear clothes that make you look like a gang member!" I choke out and for the first time ever, I saw a flash of hurt flash over her face. It was most noticeable in her eyes and I instantly regretted saying the words once they left my mouth.
"Well, I hope you'll give me a chance to prove you wrong," she said seriously, staring into my eyes. My chest tightened and my stomach dropped. Wait, were they butterflies? No no no this is not happening. My thoughts were interrupted by Claire, who brought two plates over to us. I looked down at my plate and I saw 5 or 6 heart shaped pancakes. I saw the first one had a C formed on it with chocolate chips. I looked at Lauren who was studying me intently. She saw me looking at her and smiled warmly back at me. My tummy flipped again and I quickly looked down. I made my way through the first pancake and I saw the second one that was under it had an A imprinted on it. This continued until all the pancakes spelled out my name. Once I finished I looked at Lauren who was still staring at me, this time she was cradling a cup of coffee in her hands.
"What?" I said with a smile in my voice, since Lauren's was so infectious.
"I'm just very content with making you smile, Camila Cabello," she said gently and my heart speeded up and I blushed. She obviously noticed but didn't say anything.
"C'mon I have one last thing for you," she said sliding out of the booth, throwing money on the table.
"Hang on let me get some money," I said to which she chuckled and grabbed my hand, pulling us towards the door.
"Look I took you here, I pay. Only the best for my girl," she said and I blushed again, but quickly reminded her I'm not her girl. Lauren let go of my hand and left me at the door to talk to Claire. They had a short conversation and Claire handed Lauren a set of keys and pinched her cheeks, to which I laughed. They're relationship seemed strong and loving, something I wish I had with someone. Lauren was by my side once again and she lead me out to her motorcycle.
"One last stop princess and then I'll drop you home. Wouldn't want to give your parents a bad impression on the first date," she says soothingly.
"This is not a date, Jauregui," I replied but she had already gotten on the bike.
"C'mon baby we don't have forever," she smirked and I got on grumbling. It's getting a little harder to hate her while shes wearing that smirk.

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