Chapter 5

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2.57 p.m. Three minutes left, I can do this. The hands of the clock seem to be moving slower than ever today, but that's just because I'm nervous. Thunder and lightening boomed out in the sky outside the window and I involuntarily shiver. I need to get out of this school fast before someone notices how strangely I'm acting.

To say last night was perfect is an extreme understatement. We stayed in her shed like we were, completely content with just being that close to each other until I had to go. She dropped me home and said goodbye with a kiss on my cheek and a dorky wave. I didn't sleep at all if I'm honest, it was like there was a hurricane in my tummy. My body felt light and I would squeal in excitement at the thought of her. Of course I came home to an empty house and Jake didnt call but I honestly couldn't care less.

The trouble started this morning when my mom caught me smiling to myself when I remembered something Lauren did the other day. She confronted me about it knowing I never smile in the morning and I tried to brush it off as if she was making things up. And then at school Jake asked me, I quote, "Why are you walking like you're a rabbit on crack today Mila? Looks like you've been sitting beside that stoner too much" I just replied with something about being excited for prom to be announced for this year but the cause of me being on a high all day was in fact the result of 'that stoner'.

She walked into math class earlier that day, denim jacket on dragging the boots on her feet with her and then sat down beside me. I tried to keep my eyes forward but she caught me smiling, causing her to smirk and me to blush.

She quickly took out a pen and a notebook and scribbled something in her loopy handwriting.

"Good morning sunshine."

I couldn't hold back my smile as my read the paper. I took out a pen myself and quickly wrote a reply.

"Hey there you."

She didnt seem at all focused on the class taking place and I knew I wouldn't get any work done day with her beside me so I turned my attention to her as she wrote.

"You look beautiful today my love. I was wondering if I can take you out again?"

While I read her reply my mind was at war with itself. I'm meant to hate this girl. The whole school would flip if they knew Camila Cabello was riding around after school on the back of the new girls motorcycle. And if anyone found out we kissed, well I can wave my social status goodbye. I need to stop this no matter what I'm feeling for her, this can't happen. My life was fine before she invaded it and I'm not going to let some free lace biker girl alter the status quo of my life.

"Lauren last night was a mistake. Please leave me alone from now on," I wrote back. Even if my heart was breaking with every word I wrote I knew this was for the best, wasn't it? I mean she could find someone who can love her right and deserves what she has to give. I don't deserve half of the affection she gave me in one day. She'll find someone who can hold her hand and make her laugh; but god I wish I could do it instead of some stranger who will mistreat her love.

"I like your hair like that, it makes your eyes sparkle" she had written back and my face etched with confusion. Did she not see what I wrote? I circled the words and pointed arrows towards it, but all she did was draw a heart with the initials L.J and C.C inside it. I huffed in frustration and she smirked again. I couldn't believe her, she was like a leach I couldn't get off.

"Leave. Me. Alone." I spelt out on the page and I did my very best to ignore her through the rest of the class, but she was being consistently wonderful. She stared at me with adoration all the way through the class, as if I was some work of art. When a strand of hair fell from behind my ear she tucked it away again, she tried to hold my hand multiple times and she placed her hand on the base of my back again like the night before, rubbing soothing circles there. I closed my eyes for a brief second before snapping out of it. She won't get the best of me today and I can't let myself slip further into her.
The bell finally rang and she shot up and walked towards the door, opening it and waiting for me to walk out. I completely ignored her and I hoped no one noticed our interactions.

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