Never Seen Her Talk

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Lissa's pov:

Dad is dragging me back across the country again and I hadn't even been there a month, I was born in Kensington but my father moves around a lot because of his work.

Mum isn't part of the pretty picture anymore when I was six she left and emigrated to Jacksonville in the states. That was eleven years ago now and to be honest I don't think she'd approve of how I have turned out. She was always very uptight about everything I couldn't even have my ears pierced.

It's been a three hour drive from Kent to Manchester but we're finally here. Dad and I lived here a few years back with his brother and their family and that's who we will be staying with this time. Uncle Alex's kids aren't that bad, but they're all boys. There's three of them the eldest, Jake is sixteen, only a year younger than me and the other two, Jack and Eliott are twins who are both eight. James' high school is the same place as the sixth form I will be attending, so we will be leaving together in the morning.

It's late and, as soon as we arrive we both take our stuff to the rooms we will be staying in, Dad has the guest room and they turfed James out of his room and in with the twins so that I could have my own place. I'm going to have to apologise to him about that later.

College officially started yesterday but the only thing I will have missed is the ice breakers. Thank god!

I quickly strip away my baggy T-shirt and tracksuit bottoms, and dig my pyjamas out from the bottom of my beat up old back pack and place my DM's gently by the wardrobe. Clambering into my PJs and throwing my white/blonde hair up into a messy bun, I wipe the remainders of today's make up from my face, and set my alarm as I do so. Let's hope I wake up tomorrow.

I crawl under the blankets and feel myself slowly drifting off to the warm embrace of sleep.

*le next morning*

I wake up to the soothing voice of Alex Turner pulling me away from a rather wonderful dream. Pulling myself out of bed I stumble to the mirror and start to brush through my shoulder length hair. I dig through my hold all and pick out some high waisted black jeans and a lacy white crop top. I dab concealer under my eyes and gently pat it in then I apply my eyeliner with a wing and coat my lashes in mascara. I throw on my DM's and lace them up, grabbing my phone backpack and leather jacket as I skip down the stairs.

My Dad has already left for work and Auntie Sam has taken the twins to school the only people left in the house are me, Jake and Alex, who's asleep on the sofa as he works nights. Jake is in the kitchen in his uniform (A/N in England most people wear uniform at school and there are some colleges aka sixth forms that are joined onto schools) munching on a piece of toast, he mumbles something like a greeting and offers me a slice of toast. I graciously accept and start chewing it as we head out the front door beggining the walk to school. Small talk is exchanged he then puts his earphones in as we reach the gates.

"Meet you back here at the end of the day." He says walking off towards the crowd of dodgy kids greeting them with high fives and bro hugs.

I go and sit on a picnic bench with near the entrance and put my music on shuffle and the first song that plays is cocoon by Catfish and the bottlemen. I sit there with the brisk November air brushing against my face and let myself be absorbed by the music.

When all of a sudden the bench dips next to me and creaks across from me. My eyes snap open and I jump slightly. I hear this hefty chuckle and a strong accent whisper "it's alright love, didn't mean to scare you."

I look at the source of the melodic voice and see that it's the boy sat next to me with a mass of dark curly hair atop his head and circular black sunglasses with white rims. His bony shoulders are draped with a thin white T-shirt and a leather jacket sits in his lap. He is beautiful, not in the traditional way, but in the way he carries himself, it is as though every movement is thoroughly thought through.

His friends join him in chorus of laughter the one sat across from me has matted blonde hair covering the top of his head and a black hoodie covering his rather tall frame. He laughs "Matt, her face was priceless when we sat down." He continues to laugh. And I can feel heat rising from my neck up to my cheeks.

The other two are quiet apart from their laughter at 'Matty' and the blonde one. One of the two is thinner and has much lighter hair. The other has a flop of dark brown almost black hair sat on his slightly larger face. Both wear thick winter coats.

As the laughter ceases, the 'matty' boy, decides after ten minutes of sitting with me its time to introduce himself.

"I'm Matt or Matty whichever you prefer," he points to the blonde one "that's George," he continues along the row pointing at the slim redhead and the larger slightly bearded one "that's Adam, and that's Ross."

"Now you know our names, what's yours?" George enquires

"I'm Elisabeth but you can call me Lissa or whatever you want really."

( A/N sorry for the really terrible ending but I'm leaving it at a place I feel I can begin the next chapter thank you sooo much for reading hope you enjoy~ Lucy)

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