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There is a women running and jumping through the trees as she is being chased she looks down fondly at the baby in her arms. She refocuses her drive to make it to the Hidden Leaf Village before her assasins catch up to he. She rechecks to make sure that the letter she wrote before she left is still tucked safely in her Daughters blankets so just incase she is killed they know what happend and who she is. All of a sudden she hears them they are right behind her! She jumps to the right as a kunai is thrown at her. She doges it and picks up the pace. She is running as hard as she can for the village she is close. She hides her daughter in the Satchel wrapped around her. They are close enough she can hear them now the Anbu of the Land of water. "The She-demon is ahead find her we cant let the Yuki clan monster survive." One said. She thinks back to how she was found out.

One month ago

Yuna was coming home to her house in Yukigakure she checks on her newborn daughter Sky. After she checks on her she goes to the kitchen to see if she needs to get more groceries. As she is checking it she notices that they are out. She starts to gather her things for a trip into the village. She lives sucluded in the forest away from the village so that the Anbu of Kirigakure cant find her. They already killed her husband she has to make sure Sky survives, she thinks back to when Sky was born. She went through 7 hours of labor all by herself after Shuto her husband died as they fled Kirigakure she was discovered using his kekkei genkai by acciedent, we then had to flee while I was heavily pregnant at the time so we couldnt move as fast. We fled in the dead of night and got a way but right before we crossed the border we were discovered Shuto stayed behind to be a decoy so I could exscape that was the last I saw my husband I traveled for another month before I made it here, After the Labor I remember there was a flash of light and on Sky appeared the Inariyama anklet. My daughter is destined to do great things it was then I decided to go to my home village to raise Sky, The Village Hidden in the leaves.

Back to the present

As I snap back from reminiscing I realize they are right on my tail, I tighten and readjust Sky and the satchel to make it look natural and hide her from veiw just incase they catch up and kill me they wont notice her. I pick up the pace again as I hear another kunai whistle through the air towards me I try to dodge but I miscalculate and it catches me in the shoulder it embeds itself deeply I start to bleed but I keep running I have to get to the village! "There she is the demon is right ahead kill her dont let her escape to the village!" One said "Damn they are persistent," Yuna says as she tries to move faster. They are closing in fast she turns around and throws some smoke bombs to try and buy time. Just then she is kicked in the head from behind and she turns around so she falls on her back to avoid hurting her one month old daughter as the Anbu appear. "Good job now we can finally kill her and go home, Any last words?" One asks. "Go to hell," Yuna spits on his mask. Then they all converge on her as she desperately tries to fight them off while trying to make it to where Sky doesnt get hit without giving her away as Sky sits on her back hidden by her hair. In the next Instant one of the Anbu stabs her in the chest as she coughs up blood. "Ah there it is we finally got the demon there is no way she will survive now," one said. "Cant we just leave her to die here its not like she is a ninja she is just a civilian a demon one but still she doesnt hold any of the villages secrets." Another said. "Yes fine there is no coming back from her wound lets just go home our mission is over." The lead Anbu said. They all leave as Luna falls to the ground struggling to breathe. Hours go by before a Ninja drops down from the trees to Inspect the body. They sae her on their way back to the village from a mission.

Kakashi's POV

As I was coming home from a mission I notice a white something white from the corner of my eye. I turn and cautiously approach to figure out what it is. As I get close I notice its a woman with pure white hair and she is resting in a big puddle of blood. I approach wearily, I put my fingers at her neck to check for a pulse there isnt one. I start feeling around to see if I can find some sort of identification. I dont find any I turn to leave just as I do I hear the crying of a baby.

I turn back around tk the body and start searching i move the woman's hair and notice a satchel that is moving, I movw the womans body around and remove the satchel. Inside is a beacutiful one month old baby with the same hair as her mother hair the color of freshly fallen snow. As I look closer I see a letter and a Konohagakure ID card for a Yuna Senju. After I read the ID card I decide to take the baby and the letter back to the village for the hokage to decide what to do with it.

Timeskip to the Hokage

I walk into the hokage's office with the child. "Hokage I've returned from my mission it was a success." Kakashi said. The hokage looks up from his papers and notices me carrying the child "Oh thats good and who is this?" He askes. "I dont know as i was returning I saw something white out of the corner of my eye ans went to investigate since its was so close to the village and found the body of a woman who was stabbed directly in the heart in a big puddle of blood." Kakashi said. "Then when I got close and noticed she was dead I started to leave when I heard crying, so I took a closer look at the body and moved her hair from her back and then noticed a satchel with a letter and a  Konohagakure ID card for a Yuna Senju and a letter and decided to bring the child here for you to decide what to do with her." Kakashi stated. " All right give me the letter so i can read it," the Hokage said. So I passed over the letter so he could read it. As he read it it explained Sky's history her name why and how Yuna was discovered her birth the anklet stating that when the time is right she will learn her heritage and that the anklet couldnt be removed but will grow with her. As the hokage finished reading he looked up at Kakashi. "Well This little ones name is Sky Yuki of the Yuki clan from Kirigakure but she was born in Yukigakure, her birthdah is Septembwr 14th will you take responability of her since your the one who found her?" The Hokage asks.

"Sorry Hokage I'm only 14 I dont think I'm fit to look after her why not send her to the orphanage?" Kakashi asks.
"Oh all right I'll make sure she is looked after till she is Adopted." The Hokage states as he hands Sky to a Anbu to deliver to the orphange.

The Hidden Yuki (Shino Aburame Love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora