Chapter 10

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Disclaimer!: Shino maybe OOC in my book because he is so quite normally and its hard to get a feel for his character so apologies in advance!

Its been 2 days since we got back from Guarding Tazuna. The Night we got back, I had a long talk with my parents and they told me about how I came to the village and gave me a worn letter that was left with me. It told me of my heritage and had a picture of my pregnant mom and my father. Me and my mom cried togther when I learned everything but I assured them I would always be their daughter, but to think there is only one Yuki clan member left alive me. They were told to keep me save when they adopted me to change my last name to theirs since the Yuki clan are considered demons in Kirigakure and if found still alive I might be Targeted.

Present time

I was walking around the village doing our grocery shopping to get my mind off the discussion about my origins. I wasnt looking where i was going and bumped into somone spilling my groceries and my glasses everywhere. I bebt down using my hands to try and feel for my glasses since i was pretty much blind without them.

"Oh I'm sorry about bumping into you I wasnt looking where I was going." I said. As I was feeling around I sensed the person that i bumped hand me my glasses. I put them on and looked up to see who I had run into only to see Shino of all people!

"Oh my god! S-shino I-I'm so s-sorry for running into you like that!" I blushed so hard and was soo embarred i slipped back into studdering. I ben bacm down and started gathering my groceries, only to notice Shino had already gathered them back in the bag and turned to me.

"Its fine Sky, I wasnt looking where I was going either." Shino said

"Is this all the shopping or do you need to pick up some more things?" He askes me

"I-Im only half done actually. I still need to grab like ten more things, I wonder if I'll be able to carry them all." I said shyly while blushing and playing with my braid.

"Oh I could help you finish if you want since I was partically to blame." Shino offers. I look up at him and Smile happily and blush again then look away.

"O-ok thanks Shino I'll find some way to thank you for you help later!" I promise him.

So me and Shino spend the rest of the day chatting while shopping, with me doing most of the talking of course. We talked about all kinds of things. We talked about our favorite color, animal, foods and more. Then we talked about all our mjssions we have gone on as a team.

"Yeah I recently found out I'm actually from the Yuki clan and I have the Kekkei Genkai as well." I said while forming a small Ice crystal to demonstrate. (It took me a whole day to figure out how to do it and its exhausting to hold for long periods of time.)

Shino looked impressed and before I knew it, we had finished the list and he had walked me home. Just as I thanked him and walked inside my house I noticed a extra pair of shoes. Huh I wonder who is over? As I finished thinking I walked in the kitchen and put the groceries down then walked into the living room to see Hinata and my Mom talking.

"Oh Hinata I'm sorry I didnt know you were coming over!" I said excitedly and ran over and gave her a hug.

"W-well I didnt know I was coming over either, but F-father said I could sleepover at a friends as a reward for training hard." She said happily with a blush playing with her fingers as usual.

"Oh thats great!" I squealed "We are going to have so much fun!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her to my room where we sat down on the bed and starting having some girl time.

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