Chapter 6

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"Sasuke at point B."

"Sakura at point C."

"Sky at poind D."

It went silent while we wait for Naruto.

"Naruto at point A, Believe it."

"Naruto, your late. Alright squad 7, move out." Kakashi orders

All four of us chased after the black cat but kept our distance at the same time.

"What's the distance from the target" kakashi asks.

"About five meter. Waiting for the signal, sensei." Naruto responded.

"Me too." I replied

"Now!" Kakashi yells.
Everyone jumped out of their hiding spots as Naruto tackled the cat.

"I got it!" Naruto cried as the cat started clawing his face.

"Can you verify the ribbok on his right ear?"

"Affirmative. We have a positive ID." Sasuke confirms.

"Cant we get better missions than cats!? I hate cats!" Naruto yells.

Him yelling causes our ear comunicator to spazz out loudly in our ear. Sakura went over ajd hit Naruto over the head.

We make it back to the Hokage's office, and as we are returning the cat to it's owner Kakashi is giving him the report. You see the owner is strangling the cat to death.

"No wonder the cat keeps running away I would too." I say quietly.

The woman hands the mkney off to a couple of Chuninsand leaves. The Hokage has a clipboard he begins to read it over.

"Next mission for squad 7 is; babysitting the councillor's 3-year old, helping his wife with he grocery shopping, digging the potatoes in the-"

Naruto interups the Hokage with his arms crossed in a X saying he wants a real mission not going around the village doing people's chores. You zone out as Iruka sensei is giving off a speech of honing our skills first before atempting a dangerous mission. You Laugh as you notice Kakashi hit Naruto over the head.

"Since your so determined to prove yourself, I'm going to assign a C rank mission." The Hokage gives in. "You'll be bodyguards."

"Wow, really? Who are we guarding? A princess or a feudal lord?" Naruto questions.

"Bring him in."

"Kakashi sensei, our client's pretty drunk." I whisper to him

A drunk Tazuna comes in while drinking more liqour from his gourd.

"Your sensory skills have improved." Kakshi prasies.

"Am i supposed to be protected by these snot nosed brats? Especiqlly you the short one with the stupid face?" Tazuna insulted.

"Heh. Who's the one with the stupid face?" Naruto asks.

The three of us look at each other and step up towards Naruto. Im the tallest beating Sasuke, followed by Sakura, and then lastly Naruto. Naruto fibally realizes he was the one he insulted the went to charge at Tazuna. Kakashi grabs him by the back of his hoodie while Tazuna says he expects us to guard hik with our lives.

Im walking between Naruto ans Sasuke towards the Land of Waves. You heat Sakura asking Kakashi if they have any ninja in the country. Kakashi explains to her that they isn't in small countrys like that. He webt into great detail about the hidden villages and the kages. Kakashi assures her they won't encount a ninja on a C rank misssion. Tazuna begins to worry.

"You ok Mr.Tazuna? You look nervous all of a sudden." I ask questioningly.

"N-no. Everything is alright. Just a kittle hot is all." Tazuna says.

We continue walking when I notice a puddle of water near by. I look at it questioningly then look at Kakashi he holds a finger to his lips saying to not tell anyone else. I nodded. I keep walking but Ibmove my habd near my shuriken holster. All of a sudden two mist ninja come out of the puddle and wrap Kakashi in their chains.

Kakashi is split into lieces while Sakura screams in terror.

"Protect the old man!" I yell to everyone.

"Only Sakura seems to hear as she jumps in front of him armed and ready. One ninja runs at Naruto. You see hik start to freeze you quickly perform your hand signs.

"Water style: Raging waves!"

The water pushes the ninja away from Naruto you get into a protective stance infront of Naruto as you see Sasuke throw a shuriken and kunai to pin the chains to a tree.

"I can't move." One if them says.

Sasuke lands on one of their arms and kicks them directly in the face. The other one runs towards Sakura and Tazuna. Me and Sasuke appear in front of them to protect them.


You turn around and see Kakashi has them both knocked out cold.

"What the? Kakashi sensei. He was..." Naruto stutters.

"He used the substitution jutsu, Naruto" i say pointing to the pieces of logs.

"Sorry fir not helping right away I didnt meant for you to get hurt. I just wanted to know who they were targeting, I honestly didnt think you would freeze like that Naruto." Kakashi apologies. Naruto looks down in shame, Kakashi walks up to us.

"Nice leadership, Sky. Good job Sasuke, you too Sakura." Kakashi complements.

"Hey you're not hurt are ya, scaredy cat?" Sasuke taunts. Naruto was about to jump on him when Kakashi holds him back.

"Sasuke, that wasnt very nicr Naruto is our teammate go and apologize!" You scold him thoroughly. He looks at you with a blank face. And ignores you blatantly.

"Tazuna, we need to talk." Kakashi says ad he walkd up to him. Tazuna tenses up at this.


All of us are in a boat heading tiwards the country. I'm sitting next to Sakura because Naruto and Sasuke both wanted to sit by me and it resulted in a big fight. Kakashi ended it by telling Sakura to sit next to me. The fog is so thick my white hair give me a ghostly appearance.

"Mister Tazuna, I neee to ask you something before we reach the pier." Kakashi begins. "I need to know why those men were after you. If you dont explain I'll be forced to terminate the missiononce we land."

"The one who wants me dead is a short man who casts a very long shadoe. He's one of the wealthy men, a shipping magnet, Gato." Tasuna answers.

"Gato? He is a businessman. Why would he pay to have you assasinated?" Kakashi asks.

Tazuna begins to expla. About all the horrible things Gato has done. Since it's peaceful between the squad now, I move to sit next to Naruto. I move my head to lean on his shoulder and close my eyes to relax for a bit. Sasuke glares at Naruto, wishing I choose to lean on his shoulder instead.

"If I died, my adorable grandson would be devastated. He would be like 'grandad? Where's my grandad?, and my daughter woukd disown the hidden leaf village for abandoning me." He guilts us. Kakashi caves in and agrees to continue the mission.

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